Should Kabam create a set date and time for monthly event info + champion spotlights to come out?

Personally, I hate that they don’t have one. I literally check SO often and it’s never there. I find it annoying that it gets released in parts, not all at once. Also, all in-game releases occur at 10:00 AM PDT and yet for whatever reason they do their forum posts whenever they want. There should at least be a set time.
Should Kabam create a set date and time for monthly event info + champion spotlights to come out? 131 votes
It is just information, rarely does it make or break anything.
I'll check it out when it gets here. 🤷♂️
Also, I am a fan of surprises!
Those Teaser photos create hype and conversation in the community.
Being this close to the update and having so little information is very frustrating.
I wish they could make it permanent.