Heralds of Galactus Void Boss Steals HP without sig ability or any justification!
Why am I losing HP from Void in Herald of Galactus Quest?! I know Void's sig abilities cause DoT when they are activated but I'm losing HP within 1st 10 seconds of fight when he doesn't even have any debuffs active I looked over node descriptions amx there NO JUSTIFICATION OR REASON my HP is leaking out! He hasn't evaded anything so Spyr shouldn't be activating.....yet it is! I've wasted at least 3 revkves and 10 potions trying to take this boss down and I die within 1st 20 seconds. This needs to be addressed and I'd like the revkves amd potions I've wasted to be credited back......tired of all the glitches that this game keeps having that benefit the AI ...bit wjen it comes to glitches that benefit player thwy are fixed......very upset.
Are you running suicide mastery?
If it's legitimate though, you said it yourself. You ended a combo with a medium, then did a dash attack, which is another medium. Mix Master means that dash medium is gonna be evaded, putting the fatigue debuff on you from Spry.
Make a video and post it here or in the bug section.
How you talk about it I would guess its suicides tho. Is it your first time running them?
“Each time the Defender Passively Evades an attack, a Fatigue Debuff is placed on the Attacker, reducing their Critical Rating by 1000 for 15 seconds.”
I was lucky the first run through with Kingpin, everyone else was worthless. I bailed out the next time through and gave up on that run because throwing revives at it wasn't worth it.