Who do you think is gonna be better - Apocalypse or Professor X?
We're getting their champion spotlights in about 1 and a half hours (I'm very hyped). Who do you think is gonna be better? These predictions may go horribly wrong.
*Sad Terrax Noises*
*Sad Ebony Maw Noises*
*Sad Terrax Noises*
*Sad Ebony Maw Noises*
Who do you think is gonna be better - Apocalypse or Professor X? 58 votes
Insanely good defenders that is.
I’m hoping if I say that enough times the opposite will actually be true but let’s be honest, I’m right
It's Mole Man and Terrax all over again.
He'll probably have high energy resistance too and regenerative abilities.
People will want to see Apocalypse with an arsenal of weaponry, and that leads me to assume he'll be a more offensive champion.
Professor X on the other hand, might rely on building up charges on the opponent (concussive?) and prowess on himself (similar to Havok). I can see him having a rotation to access his damage. He looks like he'll be solid on offense but more so on defense.
That’s just my initial thoughts. I’m on IOS so update should be out for everyone soon