September calendar

What can I say ...... yawn same every month, kabam are always giving their speeches about making things for every summoner and how different summoners require different things. Well it’s the same every month apart from the champ. Can you not mix it up and put other things in there that appeal to all?
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Miike
See, they've already balanced the calendar situation with the Summoner Appreciation calendar. With the Cavalier fiasco going on at the other end, this doesn't seem too relevant right now.
There are 100s of games that don't have daily log in calendars and of those that do, the majority have the same rotating format on a weekly/monthly basis. Here we have a weekly, monthly and currently a quarterly calendar. Ok, some of the days are duds but hell, we aren't doing badly for logging into a game we were going to log into anyway.
Take all this energy
And direct it to the Cav rewards thread
Can't please everyone.
It's free rewards don't complain.
What else could you possibly want?
The entitlement. Astronomical.
Silver isn’t so imma happy boy 😁
I did not log in to the game yet (personal reasons)