Aegon Persistent Combo Bug [Title edited for clarity]

AnonymousPlayerAnonymousPlayer Member Posts: 22
edited September 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
Aegon is bugged after the newest update. I’m currently in Abyss of Legends with Aegon’s persistent charge at 999. At the start of the fight, he triggers his unstoppable/unblockable/true accuracy/fury buffs just fine. But if you get hit even once, he loses the ability to trigger those buffs.

As you know, getting hit with Aegon is one of the main ways to ramp up his damage. I wasted many revives on Punisher 2099 and currently on Loki. While waiting for this to get fixed, I’m missing rewards from all other events like Herald. Am I going to be compensated for lost rewards and wasted revives??
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • TrimeZTrimeZ Member Posts: 1
    I got a decent video of it but I can’t upload it somehow
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    You need to put it on YouTube then link
  • JoedartJoedart Member Posts: 41
    He’s also bugged as a defender in AW. Interrupted a sp1 from capiw after first hit connected.
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★

    Not sure how scientific this is but it looks like he won’t ‘earn’ them back. Got to about 10 hits, earned tenacity then got hit, building back up I should of Lost the poison but 80 hits. Combo carried over to cap marvel was under 100 (enhanced tenacity), 6 hits shrugged off both suicide dots as it did work properly at the start of that fight
  • NBKNBK Member Posts: 8
    I just finished my abyss path 3 and it was so expensive because of this bug, I better get some units back!
  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    Hope it will be fixed earlier than next update as he was my main champ for omega boss rush
  • RandomlyGeneratedRandomlyGenerated Member, Content Creators Posts: 121 Content Creator
    Can one of y'all record some footage of this happening so I can relay that to the team? I tried to reproduce it myself but got smacked 700 hits into LOL SL fight.
  • WHOz_R4GEWHOz_R4GE Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Basically if you get hit, any ability Aegon has already banked from previous fights will now not trigger.
  • severedtrevorseveredtrevor Member Posts: 46
    I’ve been planning and saving resources to hit Abyss this I can’t, due to this bug. Hard earned items will now expire if this can’t be fixed asap.
  • AnonymousPlayerAnonymousPlayer Member Posts: 22

    Video example of one of my Punisher 2099 fights. Punisher 2099 puts a weakness in you if you don’t have at least two unique buffs. Without Aegon’s abilities triggering, you cannot get rid of the weakness. Many revives wasted and I am stuck in Abyss until this issue is fixed. Meaning I will be losing out on the four remaining Herald runs I had left.
  • AnonymousPlayerAnonymousPlayer Member Posts: 22

    Hey there, we're passing the information on to the rest of the team to look into.

    Thank you!

  • IshIsh Member Posts: 10
    I encountered it when facing Luke cage in abyss , I was past the 50 combo and when I charged a heavy to go unstoppable and intercept Luke, the unstoppable only triggered once per fight, even after the cool down timer. Cost me over 20 revives 😐 hope there’s a fix soon as I’m also stuck in abyss waiting for fix.
  • DaddyOwnzYouDaddyOwnzYou Member Posts: 1
    Ya Tried ROL myself today without knowing about the bug... Global had to be the one's to direct me here :/
  • TrickiterTrickiter Member Posts: 66
    Aegon is definitely bugged. Loses the abilities from his combo once hit. Please fix this soon, got items expiring that I wish to use in Abyss.
  • Blaker78Blaker78 Member Posts: 133
    Same here. I have been farming revives and health pots for 2 weeks. What a waste of time!
  • severedtrevorseveredtrevor Member Posts: 46
    Same. I’m praying this doesn’t need an app update to fix!
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    so what is this exactly? I'm a little concerned because I usually bring Aegon to AQ map5 to deal with HT and Mr. F.

    So say you start a fight with 50 hits on your combo persistent meter, and if you get hit by any chance and then finish
    + the fight with 20 hits. does that mean he will start next fight with 20 x 75% (sig 200 level) which is 15. he will start with a new combo meter of 15?????
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Please fix this before tomorrow, I need Ægon for the Omega boss rush tomorrow
  • JustagameJustagame Member Posts: 7

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit guys this is huge, do you have any update?
    Tomorrow is one of my rare free days, also no aw and as you can see I have a lot of revives expiring. I "spent" last 2 weeks preparing for this path and this bug is huge for Aegon, especially in abyss.
  • ClynevaClyneva Member Posts: 78 ★★
    I just ran into this bug and want to emphasize just how huge of a bug this is for some of us. I just rushed to ranked 5 my Aegon yesterday to do the Omega Boss rush, and my plan was to do my first run of abyss shortly after.

    Like many others here I have WEEKS of resources saved up that will expire if this doesn't get fixed soon. Please do not wait until the patch next month to address this!
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    I wish they would put out a notice for things like this so people know ahead of time and don't start and then get stuck in content..
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,446 ★★★★★

    so what is this exactly? I'm a little concerned because I usually bring Aegon to AQ map5 to deal with HT and Mr. F.

    So say you start a fight with 50 hits on your combo persistent meter, and if you get hit by any chance and then finish
    + the fight with 20 hits. does that mean he will start next fight with 20 x 75% (sig 200 level) which is 15. he will start with a new combo meter of 15?????

    After he gets hit, his combo abilities don't proc. He can keep the combo if there's a shield, but no banked abilities so his tenacity and buffs are gimped.
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    Ish said:

    I encountered it when facing Luke cage in abyss , I was past the 50 combo and when I charged a heavy to go unstoppable and intercept Luke, the unstoppable only triggered once per fight, even after the cool down timer. Cost me over 20 revives 😐 hope there’s a fix soon as I’m also stuck in abyss waiting for fix.

    Bro.. you're at Luke Cage.. that's the second fight.. you can back out..
  • AnonymousPlayerAnonymousPlayer Member Posts: 22
    @Kabam Zibiit if this isn’t being fixed tonight, I guess I’m losing out on the four days worth of Herald rewards? I’m too far into Abyss to back out, but I can’t fight properly and finish Abyss with this bug. Seems very unfair...
  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    I'm guessing it's part of same bug, but my aegons combo meter is only going up by 1 every fight, regardless of how much my combo actually has.

    Done 3 fights in aq and my combo meter is 3. But I've 100% finished each fight with combos of greater than 10.
  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2020
    Justagame said:

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit guys this is huge, do you have any update?
    Tomorrow is one of my rare free days, also no aw and as you can see I have a lot of revives expiring. I "spent" last 2 weeks preparing for this path and this bug is huge for Aegon, especially in abyss.

    I can understand What you are going through. I just finished a path before the update & was going to prepare for the last one. I can wait it out, others; i am sure, cant.
  • SpartanAxSpartanAx Member Posts: 11
    Please fix this, I’m gonna do 4 paths of abyss after the 6 star featured has an update, I was planning to do on this weekend and I was hoarding 13k units, a lot of revives and potions, please fix it :(
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