Overpriced Cache Deals

Why around $250 for 1 basic 5* crystal & 25 5* Sig crystals & 5* 20 generic sig stones? You know how ridiculous this is? Why do you guys have random prices on these items every time they’re released? There should be a set price on these items around the time they are needed, 4*’s are DEAD 5*’s are the new 4*’s, should be $100-120 TOPS for 10k shards & how much are sig stones really worth? I’d say $0.50-$1 per generic stone prob 1/2 the price for the sig crystals. Makes no sense one deal with be so much one day then a month or 2 later(which means it should lose value) a very similar deals will be released that’s 2-4 times amount it was a few months back. Does this make any sense Kabam? Why would anyone buy this when we know we can wait it out & get it for 1/2 the price in a few months unless someone is desperate for these items! I could really use these items actually if it was a fair price, I know it’s in units but it’s the same thing as money, if you didn’t spend money on those units then you worked hard on those units & time is money & for 99% of the people buying these deals bought the units. Seriously make a set price on certain items(say $100 for 10k 5* shards as an example) and $1 per generic sig stone & .50 per 5* sig crystal. Combine them & that’s what the deal costs. Shouldn’t be random every time these deals come out, doesn’t make any sense & if the prices where set more people would buy them, I’m Def skipping this deal even tho I need these items, but if I knew these items had a set price I’d buy it cause I’d know a better deal isn’t coming in a month or 2 smh cmon Kabam be like every other company in the world & have set prices on items
The frequent 2500 unit 4 star crystal offer and 400 unit 3 star crystal offer, is hilarious IMO. That is the biggest pricing farse in the game currently.
It's always been that way however, which doesn't make it right, but I'm not seeing any evidence they are going to change it any time soon.
I already thought they blew the top off their deals back when they had that +400 dollar deal for 1 five star that was only the non basics. People still got Kamala Khans and She Hulk out of those and at 400 dollars each I can't imagine how bad that has to feel.
I didn't go for that one, but I have tried some of the deals in the past. Even then sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you open something you can't really use.
Yeah I’m a spender too, usually buy most of the deals but Def passing on this one & so is everyone in my Alliance & they’re big spenders. Don’t see them selling too many of these
Yeah I agree, also the way I look at it too is you need 2x the amount of sig stones then you do with any other tier(obviously cause you need 200 sig to max instead of 99 like 2-4*’s) so getting a few at a time isn’t that appealing. Just really wish they’d set a price for each item, it would make things so much easier for us customers & for Kabam. They wouldn’t have to deal with us complaining & we’d know what it is lol
you assume the price goes down
I am where i am without buying any **** they put out everything is sooooo over price only stupid people with money does