Here it is in hopefully a little better quality. Please note that the two bottom paths should have gates on them as well, that was something I missed. I’ll be fixed for the full map.
Here it is in hopefully a little better quality. Please note that the two bottom paths should have gates on them as well, that was something I missed. I’ll be fixed for the full map.
I went over the Epic responses, and unfortunately the paths taken weren’t super diverse. Looks like most people went for the AG or the Platpool pieces, so only ten lanes revealed so far out of 28. Much less than that for Heroic and Master so far as well so not enough for a map yet
A little under half of the map will be unavailable until tomorrow because those lanes require a second key to enter. The AG in Legendary is one of those rewards.
I went over the Epic responses, and unfortunately the paths taken weren’t super diverse. Looks like most people went for the AG or the Platpool pieces, so only ten lanes revealed so far out of 28. Much less than that for Heroic and Master so far as well so not enough for a map yet
We need to figure out where the featured 5 star is
A little under half of the map will be unavailable until tomorrow because those lanes require a second key to enter. The AG in Legendary is one of those rewards.
If I run the AG path twice, will I get 2 AG's?
Previous to it being taken down, yes. It was a bug allowing players to get the path rewards multiple times. Once it goes back up this should not be the case.
i hope soo soon man i want those last 6 star schards for a 6 star i hope i get a beter one i have only one and thats was beast he sucks ik hope i can push or cavalier with it or do the boss rush