The September Event Quest has arrived: Witness The Rise of X!



  • Fajita_DinnerFajita_Dinner Member Posts: 13
    The EQ is very well made in my opinion credit where credit is due, I love the fact that now at least we have some type of pro player node when fighting those stacked opponents and the bosses are great since you can bring almost anything to it and win the fight (except for Magik that one is cancer), however, I strongly believe Kabam that you missed the mark in the rewards I 100% EQ and it was a lot of work and roster demanding in order the achieve exploration and I felt like I received almost nothing for all that effort the quantities are so low that it barely promotes cavalier progression. You guys have been doing great apart from that, take some time to re-evaluate EQ. It needs it dearly.
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    Waste of time and affort , u were creative about the paths in cavalier diffculty , i will give u that but the rewards really just fail the diffculty
  • andrade5184andrade5184 Member Posts: 307 ★★
    What I dont understand is why would you talk about how you plan on changing the quality of the game and the make content that is way too long and has nodes geared towards certain champs. You said you were going to create content that was possible for all your champs and get away from champion specific nodes. That was the whole reason you are nerfing act 6 because its just not fun to play the game like that. I have no motivation to even do cavalier difficulty cause for the time invested and specific champion requirements the rewards are garbage. I would like to see some buffed up rewards and less champion specific nodes in the next cavalier eq please or it's just going to be another piece of content that i dont want to waste my time on. you did a great job on varient 5 and this months side quest lets not take steps in the wrong direction and make more annoying content.
  • KibiKibi Member Posts: 57
    cav wasnt super hard but it was super tedious. with how long it took me to clear as much as i have so far (prolly still need 4 hours+) the rewards are a joke. I love the side events and how easy it is to get rewards in those, although im not expecting every month to be like this one. But for how long uncollected and cavalier take, these rewards are very very sad.

    And it's amplified by my pull of a 6* iron man today. all that work for a pathetic meme tier 6*. thnx kabam..
  • KibiKibi Member Posts: 57
    ADDIS0N said:

    Posted this in another thread, but should’ve posted it here - apologies.

    I’ll mess around with it, but I will not be using any resources to try and finish it or get through it. Investment vs. reward with my roster doesn’t seem worth it to me.

    Not sure what you’d officially call it, but I’m in some kind of “near-end-game” zone where the only content I have left to do is complete and 100% explore 6.3-6.4 and Abyss, but I don’t do AW or AQ competitively because I have too many other obligations in life ...

    It feels a bit silly for me to use more resources to rank up champions that will help me 100% Cav than what I will end up getting for rewards once it’s all done.

    And what’s up with the L1 potions and revives? I mean, really?

    V5 and this month’s Piratepool side event are AMAZING. I won’t say Cav is terrible, but it’s totally underwhelming, in my opinion. .

    I honestly feel like 3 steps forward, 2 steps back is like the official motto of this game now.

    Yea i dont know why they would put these lousy potions in there it's like some sick joke..
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  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    So for overall feedback


    -You guys heard the feedback on having nodes that benefit you from “playing by the rules”. This made this enjoyable having the counters clearly intended for the nodes

    -Overall felt balanced for a well developed roster and was still pretty easily clear able.

    -Attack values landed in a good place. Fights are long but I can play casually and still not get destroyed for dumb mistakes because I’m not white knuckling the game essentially.

    Overall design is great to me and truly felt fun to play through with an established roster.

    -Overall I can truly see the attempt to listen to feedback

    -The changes made from a completion standpoint are not beneficial to those who are newer. It’s says to be helpful to grow but that change is a counter to that. Combined with a real absence of what I would see as an easy path(though claimed) for newly cav players I think this attempt at a change is a miss for the community. The supporting nodes didn’t make the paths hard just the main node really did. I see what you were trying but don’t think this hit that mark for the players.

    -4* challenge... I severely hate this. I haven’t ranked 4* since the holy trinity meta. I extremely dislike wasting my gold/t1a/t4b/iso on 4*. Plus it’s just tedious and not fun or hard really. Just boring add that needs to be rethought. I feel like these rewards should already be included in the other events. This is a hard miss for me. Add a hard path challenge with 6.4 attack values or something and let me use my 5*. Don’t make me waste needed materials on 4*. 2* stuff I don’t mind because that stuff is sold daily and the gold and iso is minimal to max.

    -2.1 node for techs is garbage. Did not see how to even make this useful to me. The others were better thought out. Not sure if this was tested but curious who can really take advantage of this because I couldn’t find anyone.

    -Rewards: This is more based on time spent clearing and feeling of progress in the game anymore. From someone who won’t play high tier AW and won’t do map 7 because of spending or grind but has cleared everything else other than abyss 100% I still feel stuck in the game. The difficulty is fine but the time spent is long. I feel like uncollected and cav should definitely at least give a 6* total and more t2a and also I have to say I still feel like it will be 6 months before I come for a 6* champ I have to take to r3. Seeing I don’t have many 5* that add much to my roster this is far to long to basically not improve in a game like this imo. So much is thrown out in n big offers that the divide is clear. The economy must be protected for the spenders and that is truly felt in these rewards.

    Overall I love the addition and found cav fun overall. I think some tweaks need to be made for the entire picture of the community working against this content to make it both more accessible/profitable for the newer cavs and make it feel more valuable for the established cavs.

  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Just finished the 4* challenge. Spent about 1000 units total! 😪
    And that was with a suicides mastery setup, optimal 4*s including quake, AA, old balls, CMM, aegon, Doom, warlock, darkhawk, etc all maxed out and Awakened.
    I'm addition, I played as well and skillfully as you can imagine. But the sheer length of the fights, and the combo of nodes got me a bit. Overall, I probably shouldn't have been stupid enough to waste items, and I now have zero revives and/or potions.

    Nevertheless, it was kinda fun, but the 1000 units I stupidly spent could have gotten me 2 points in coagulate. So yeah, I was extremely dumb and impatient.

    Lastly, I took the "easy" paths all through, and this was just a single run, first clear. So y'all should use this to decide for yourselves whether 5 5* sig stones and some T5CC frags are worth spending 1000 units and a buttload of time to get.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    I really liked cav apocalypse chapter - almost every mystic can nullify buffs, so I could use my 6* hood and really had a lot of fun with him. Maybe make that node his permanent ability? He was hitting decently.
    Magic chapter... It's made only for omega (maybe also buffed magneto?), wich is disappointing. Was using mostly sentinel, bwcv and colossus, so it wasn't fun at all. Couldn't even use Rogue there effectively. Long boring fights, some also annoying. The worst chapter overall
    As everyone said already, rewards are meh.
    No completion rewards was disappointing.
  • imShakibimShakib Member Posts: 47
    There are lots of end game contents in the game and I am disappointed that Kabam made the event quest the same with a horrific difficulty like Cavalier difficulty. This is way too difficult and makes me lose interest for the game. Being Cavalier and finding a single path completion impossible makes me realize that I am simply wasting my time with the game.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Just finished the 4* challenge. Spent about 1000 units total! 😪
    And that was with a suicides mastery setup, optimal 4*s including quake, AA, old balls, CMM, aegon, Doom, warlock, darkhawk, etc all maxed out and Awakened.
    I'm addition, I played as well and skillfully as you can imagine. But the sheer length of the fights, and the combo of nodes got me a bit. Overall, I probably shouldn't have been stupid enough to waste items, and I now have zero revives and/or potions.

    Nevertheless, it was kinda fun, but the 1000 units I stupidly spent could have gotten me 2 points in coagulate. So yeah, I was extremely dumb and impatient.

    Lastly, I took the "easy" paths all through, and this was just a single run, first clear. So y'all should use this to decide for yourselves whether 5 5* sig stones and some T5CC frags are worth spending 1000 units and a buttload of time to get.

    As a free to play player, it's a huge smack in my face!
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    Just finished the 4* challenge. Spent about 1000 units total! 😪
    And that was with a suicides mastery setup, optimal 4*s including quake, AA, old balls, CMM, aegon, Doom, warlock, darkhawk, etc all maxed out and Awakened.
    I'm addition, I played as well and skillfully as you can imagine. But the sheer length of the fights, and the combo of nodes got me a bit. Overall, I probably shouldn't have been stupid enough to waste items, and I now have zero revives and/or potions.

    Nevertheless, it was kinda fun, but the 1000 units I stupidly spent could have gotten me 2 points in coagulate. So yeah, I was extremely dumb and impatient.

    Lastly, I took the "easy" paths all through, and this was just a single run, first clear. So y'all should use this to decide for yourselves whether 5 5* sig stones and some T5CC frags are worth spending 1000 units and a buttload of time to get.

    I would say that if anyone is in the same boat, they should wait for a bit longer. Watch for the best counters, do some rank ups and go in the cav difficulty after completing other difficulties... going all in in the first week is madness when you are not confident.
    Well, I have the right counters as 5*s at rank 4 and above, but I can't exactly use them if I want the objectives done.
  • RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★

    what did you do to uncollected rewards?? theres no real bump up in 5 star or 6 star shards.. Its exactly same just some extra t4cc and t2a but you took away completion rewards and made it look even worst.. shame on you Kabam..

    Actually it's less 5* shards by around 900 I think, once u add in the 100 5* shards they put on a path in each chapter, I was wondering the he same thing. 4* shards sucked but atleast that's usually an xtra 275 5* shards. I will give credit they did bump up the t2 alpha shards/t4cc crystals/gold but there an argument that that should have been done anyway as a way to stay current with the meta of the game. No clue why they pulled this, it's almost like if ur not cavalier they don't want us around so instead of progressing at ur own pace they want to dictate what we should do and when we should do it.
  • DragynphyreDragynphyre Member Posts: 4
    Kabam, you must really hate your players. No more Completion rewards for Uncollected difficulty? This may be my last monthly quest. I've put up with you screwing over players for years, and this may be the final straw for me.
  • DaDudestDaDudest Member Posts: 3
    I’m cavalier and have been for a while and I still found this way too hard. Maybe it’s because I don’t have all the champs. But despite playing the game for almost 3 years I don’t have the skills to even think about doing this Rise of x on Cavalier difficulty without spending far more than I can afford. That shouldn’t be. After spending all the time and effort to get 5/65 champs we ought to be have content that we can do and feel good about. For that reason I found the quest about doing it with 4* an obscenity that made me want to quit the game.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    my only commentary on this is what happened to reducing the number of paths for exploration?? there was talk about removing the tedious grind from EQ. but yeah ... there are still way too many paths for exploration. i do enjoy the class specific advantages but having to clear 6+ paths is just a waste especially for what little it ends up being when you consider time (resources) vs rewards.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,256 ★★★★★
    The rewards need a definite buff. I'm in a top 45 alliances with over 30 r5 5 star champions and it took me 8 hours to complete. You have to make the rewards worth it for the time investment. 7.5 6 star shards and make the 10% t5cc for exploration a selector. That is bare minimum.

    Or I would suggest you remove a couple paths after the first chapter to shorten it or lower the health pools if you think those type of reward boost would be too much.
  • Dipon713Dipon713 Member Posts: 23
    Finally I've completed cav difficulty. Completion only, not exploration. I'm not saying it's bad but it's not great though imo. Bacially you can complete it with any champs, but in some nodes you'll need some certain champs, which is ok for me coz I've some good 5* counter even though they ain't r4 or r5. But damn.. the reward isn't that good at all & also it's too much time consuming which I don't like. I spent almost 4 hours only for completion. If I'd go for exploration God knows how much time it would take.
    Basically for mid lvl players like me, I don't think it's a good monthly quest. But yeah, for the end game players (both f2p & p2w) it would be fun no doubt. I've been playing this game for more than 3 and a half years now & yeah I don't play mcoc for 4-5 hours a day. Those who could spend 4-5 hours a day in mcoc, surely they would find it interesting & rewarding.
    I can understand Kabam is trying to do something good for all lvl of players, which is good. But I don't think it would be helpful for mid lvl players (like me) if they keep the reward & difficulty lvl like this.
    So I want to propose something.. Hope Kabam will see this feedback as a mid lvl player's prospective.

    1. Add completion rewards for both uncollected & Cav difficulty. (This is super necessary for the progression players)
    2. Add global node in cav difficulty just like uncollected difficulty. ( So that people could bring any champ they want, no specific champ needed)
    3. Boost up rewards for cav difficulty. (So that even if someone did do completion, they would push themselves more for better rewards) [ I want to note one thing in here, bacially I think the reward for exploration now in cav difficulty should be the completion rewards, exploration reward should be ballanced with that]
    4. Reducing health poll of bosses in each chapter. (70k-90k)
    5. Reducing health poll of the normal champs in each chapter (at least 50k)

    Btw, I like the idea of 4* challenge. If people had time they could go for the 4* challenge. It's good for the end game players & also for those who could spend more time in mcoc & the reward also need a lil buff imo.

    P.S.: People might say if anyone could push themselves for being cavalier in story quest then why not in monthly quest.
    The answer is for being cavalier you don't need a vast amount of roster. I only use my 6*r1 CG all the way, some other people also did the same thing, used only 1-2 high rank champs for being cav, but for the monthly quest you'll need a good amount of champs & only benefit you'll get in there is you can use your 4* champs, that's all. How many people give priority to their 4* champs instead of their 5* champs? I've stopped upgrading my 4* champs long time ago & I'm sure most of the mid lvl players also do the same thing.

    That's all I want to say. Thanks for reading. Cheers.🍻🍻
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Yeah less paths would have made this ok, too long imo
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★★
    if Cav Difficulty was created for end game players then kabam shouldn't advertise it as helping summoners to take their 5 stars to R5. Difficulty and nodes might be for end game players but rewards do no tell the same story.
  • Rishu_101Rishu_101 Member Posts: 23
    Completion rewards always helpful for new player with low rank team. Its help them to grow there roaster. I hope Kabam will take note on it and will bring competion rewards. Another thing there is no increase in reward, all rewards available only by 100 % exploration. Again it's not good to new players either uncollected or cavalier.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    Overall imo this cavalier quest was a disaster idk what they were thinking when making the nodes. Especially with mojo and OR on disstrack when being op champs as it is.

    After 2 weeks of trying to 100% chapter 1 of cavalier i gave up, its not worth the frsutration or time. I give it an F
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    I have just lost motivation to try Cavalier because of the larger health pools for poor rewards. The monthly quests shouldn't take that long to complete. If they increase the rewards and lower the health pools by 30-40% I will probably do Cavalier. I have completed chapter 1, but not motivated to do much else right now.
  • EinfachSoEinfachSo Member Posts: 269 ★★
    I did the 100% on the cavalier level yesterday. I found the difficulty ok (I'm not an endgame player), I used a total of 5 Single revives, 3 of them on the first run for apocolypse. I found the global nodes good because they allowed/Forced you to use More than 1/2 Champs.

    But i think the rewards should get a little push. Rank up Materials are fine, but I think you should get a full 5 crystal for 100%, maybe even a special cavalier crystal that guarantees a 5star, with a little Chance for a 6star Champ.

    Thanks Kabam for the new Challenge :)
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Ok new suggestion, the 4* challenge would be fun if we actually ranked 4* anymore, it’s a fun challenge but I have to rank up tons of 4* to actually bring legit counters, we need some
    4* rankup gems (and gold) in the specific 4* challenge rewards, like if we complete the first level with. 4* we are clearly at a level that 4* rankups aren’t going to break our game in anyway, so give us the resources to rank up some 4* champs for the next levels,
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Just did my exploration of cavalier difficulty. Rewards are great, imo. Healthpools are fine, was finally able to open up some of my rampup Champs.
    I'm a fairly small-ish cavalier. Almost 600k rating, and I have to say...some of you guys are making it appear harder and less worthwhile than it actually is.

    Keep up the good work, Kabam. I'd say the rewards are fine as they currently are. Not speaking on behalf of everybody, it's just my opinion.
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