Why can't I play as characters I like

I feel like this game is flawed because it was built upon a flawed base. The game is built around bringing in stronger champions as time progressed, but this is where the inherent issues lie. If you are making a Marvel game, you bring in the most popular characters first. Because of this, most characters that were used to draw players into the game (and still do) are some of the worst characters in it. Iron Fist, for example, was one of the core characters added to the game around launch. He's basically been untouched for years and still has the cookie cutter animations, abilities, and special attacks that were present at launch. He even has OG Black Panther's idle animation for god's sake. He's one of my favorite Marvel characters and is left in the dust. I feel like Kabam has no interest in rebooting these original characters from a business standpoint - it wouldn't be profitable and it shows in that only two characters are being buffed each month. It could be years before he even gets looked at. As a player who has had this game since practically launch, it pains me to see characters like Iron Fist be left to dry when you compare him to the newer characters with awesome abilities and animations. I hate playing him and seeing Black Panther's animations, Vision and Black Widow's special attacks, and abilities that are one sentence long or less. It is a shame. Players shouldn't be forced into hoping for a Dr. Doom or Quake to play any content besides Arena, but when you combine super specific nodes and fun and interactive damage, characters that were in the base game get absolutely obliterated and thus become objects of dread once you pull them. You shouldn't be disappointed to see your favorite character pop out of a crystal, but Kabam manages to invoke that feeling of disappointment anyways - because in the grand scale of things, the champion will likely be useless for years to come. I have a dream that one day I can play with characters that I like not because they are broken OP but because I like them for who they are. But until that day comes I will cheese all the content in this game with Ghost and Quake. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
If you disagree, then ask yourself: Do you use these characters for anything besides synergies or arena? And if you say you do, I'll say why you're still stuck in Act 4. There's like 20 champs maximum that define the meta of the game that are used in actual mid to end game content.
Also, if you factor in the two buffs per month that Kabam is doing, it will be in May 2022 that every champ in the list isn't just collecting dust in your roster.
black panther, gamora, green goblin, hawkeye, hulk, modok, nightcrawler, nova, rogue, starlord, storm, ultron, winter solider and wolverine are all solid.
and the other 2/3 are either trophy champs or they are bad because they were added earlier into the game so they dont have the fancy abilities newer champs do.
some also have newer versions of these like starky, imiw, cap iw, etc.
only like 10 people or less dont have these, so they will probably get buffed.
Most of the champs you listed had their time in the Meta when they initially released. Here's a brief explanation of what META stands for in the majority of games. Most Efficient Tactic Available. M.E.T.A.
Nearly 6 years since the game started, and new ideas have come into the game since then, which forces new meta shifts as content and characters evolve. It's like comparing a top end PC or Mobile phone from the year 2000 to what we have coming in 2020, things get outdated drastically.
Yeah it will take a long time for all the buffs and reworks to be done, and by the time they are done with those buffs and reworks, the so called "Gods" in this current iteration of the game will also be outdated and in need of changes.
Besides a bunch of the characters listed aren't necessarily more recognisable or even well liked as some of the characters that have been introduced.
When things get old you shouldn't expect them to be as good as they were when they were new.
This game wouldn't be where it is today if they started out with lesser known champs like Dragonman and Airwalker at launch instead of the classics. This is a game built on champs of the entire marvel universe and not just one group or champ. That can make it more fun and frustrate at the same time. Some of my favorite champs aren't even in the game yet.
I would suggest trying to campaign for your favorite champs and hope enough ppl agree with you so kabam knows they need to work on that champ sooner than later. Besides doing that I don't know what you hope to accomplish with this post. Kabam can't redo champs at a faster rate or we risk having more bugs and harmful interactions than we already get. I realize it will take years to redo all the champs that need it now and by then several others will be outdated and need fixed like Diablo and Maw currently.
With around 200 champs you can't expect all of them to be at the same level when the game changes monthly. It's taken year to get that many champs in the game. It will be a never-ending process of redoing and trying to keep up with so many diverse champs in the game but having such a large amount of champs is also part of what makes the game great.
and op, I think that's far from a flawed design. that's just how the game evolves. slowly, there will be a bit of power creep as the devs become more creative and have more technology. along with that, the most endgame content will be tuned towards those champs. kabam have realized that some champs have been left in the dust for a long time, and they're beginning to fix it. could it have been done sooner? probably. but it's happening now and a faster rate than ever before. not only are the worst champions being buffed, content is being changed so you no longer need 3% of the entire champion pool to complete something
Idk what Pokémon has to do with anything, I was just playing It
You want a star lord buff next ?
Kabam have already said that they r buffing champions. Be patient and your favorite champ will get buffed too.
why would a champ like star lord need you to use potions and revives? if you're using him for biohazard or something, sure. but there's almost always an option for those nodes. something like caustic temper with 5* restrictions is a little more niche, but that doesn't mean everyone who can't do that is immediately bad.
I don't understand the point for comparisons with god tier champs and those not as good
Got my boy in a 6* (Cap WW2) and I don't care how good or what peeps say or stupid tier charts for top champs. I'm max ranking him because I like him. Would be nice to see a rework of these originals tho..
If you believe that then why hasn't the server issue been fixed and why haven't the various champ bug and mastery bugs been fixed.
The game is just gonna chug along and the champs that built the house of marvel will remain pretty useless for a long time! Their answer is to release a new version ( or tacking older champs onto a newer champs synergy but i agree! We ought to be able to play the champs that we loved and followed in the comics and not have to watch them become useless inventory as we wait for someone to do a "rework."
Well, yes. That's normal. If you try out a new brand of chicken nuggets and like it more than the brand you used to buy, are you going to go back? No. You buy the new brand. There will always be better alternatives, just like there will always be mediocre substitutes.
I really don't get the point of this post. What is it that you want?