Do you like the hoop jumping side quests?

Take the current side quest, we have to find and fight duel targets to gain access to keys etc to then get into the rewards section of the quest.
There are many versions of these events, red rooms, intel etc etc...
For me they are just a pointless layer of time suck, no fun at all. I’d estimate this event is multiple hrs over the month just fulfilling the targets to get the keys.
Curious really if others actually enjoy it??
For clarity, I’m not talking about the rewards or the main part of the quest only the jumping though hoops to gain access to the real event.
There are many versions of these events, red rooms, intel etc etc...
For me they are just a pointless layer of time suck, no fun at all. I’d estimate this event is multiple hrs over the month just fulfilling the targets to get the keys.
Curious really if others actually enjoy it??
For clarity, I’m not talking about the rewards or the main part of the quest only the jumping though hoops to gain access to the real event.
Do you like the hoop jumping side quests? 83 votes
What the value in it? What does anyone get out of running RTTL fights or simple duels over and over?
I don’t care about rewards anywhere near as much as playing engaging, interesting content.
Even 5 mins per day is 3 hrs over the month. Lols people are moaning about cav eq taking 8 to 10 hours to explore but this mundane stuff gets a pass?
Anyway was genuinely curious if people actually enjoy it. I don’t get it but maybe it’s just me.
With respect if you read the original post that’s pretty clear.
None of you have actually answered what value it adds.
1- Red Rooms - Espionage themed
2- Mutant Treasure Island - Pirate themed
Personally I enjoy them the most, because if I'm preoccuppied with something I can still stop and take a few minutes to pick my brains and get awesome rewards.
I like this one because it’s easy and has great rewards(and you can personalize what you select which is awesome).
Also I try to guess what champs the hint is look for before looking it up which is fun.
Agree the ability to cherry pick the rewards is nice, I’ll just hoover up the shards and stones.
Till now all targets have been very easy. On my alt account I just did the easy event quest and already completed more than half target quests till yesterday before I ran through the whole quest ones.
you are not required to do the target the day it hits. There are so many options in this version that you can just quest normally and get all targets you need.
Rushing is what will make it feel like a time sink.
Also... just do arena, you don't have to search for anything then.