Variant difficulty should change

NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
edited September 2020 in General Discussion
I may be in the minority but I think the variants need changed moving forward. The difficulty is basically the same so all of them except v1. That's allowing players to knock all of them out in a short amount of time and then have little to do.

I would like to see the variants get more difficult as you go. That way if you can complete up to v4 you might have to wait to do v5. Then as more variants are released it provides more challenges to ppl looking to build up their skills and roster to complete. Instead of a player completing all the variants in a month or two it may take a year or longer to be able to complete.

I realize a lot of players won't like this idea because they want all the rewards possible in a short amount of time. The main goal is to provide content for a longer amount of time. Variants are fun and everyone loves doing them. Shouldn't the goal be to have ppl interested for a longer amount of time instead of everyone having it finished in the first few weeks?


  • Archit_Tandon498Archit_Tandon498 Member Posts: 325 ★★
    I would say we have long moved from the fact that labyrinth took a lot of time to explore as compared the abyss. It is in lines with another idea that needs to go away which is that wars are not meant to be fully explored.

    People will complete content as soon as it comes out, always.

    Let's give you 100,000 units, will you not cry foul if you can't finish it in one week even though you had this absurd amount of units? That will be the outrage if you can't bash through it.

    No difficulty is too difficult if you have the required skills/money.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    It’s taken me a year and I’m not done fully exploring Variant 1 or 5 yet.

    I think the content is excellent- just the right amount of difficulty for a developing roster. The point of Variants is to gain rewards to help rank up players for more significant difficulty in my opinion.
    To be fair, there really isn't any other significant difficulty content left anymore. They've nerfed Act 6 into the ground and aren't even finished with it. Book 2 is following that same line. Cav EQ is fun but a breeze for anyone with a stacked roster. The masses have cried foul enough that the difficulty has been removed from just about everything at this point. If there ever was somewhere they should put it back, it's Variants
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    No, Variants are perfect
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I feel like variants are sort of like a bridge between act five and more advanced act six type stuff. eventually, if we keep going this current plan of all future variants being the same difficulty, there'd be a lot of stuff around that level that might be overwhelming. I think they did say v5 was meant to be harder, but it hasn't really turned out like that. I'm not that far in act six, but I think it would be cool if variants were designed to fill holes in sorry where there can be progression stagnation, like before act six or around cav level
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★

    To be fair, there really isn't any other significant difficulty content left anymore. They've nerfed Act 6 into the ground and aren't even finished with it. Book 2 is following that same line. Cav EQ is fun but a breeze for anyone with a stacked roster. The masses have cried foul enough that the difficulty has been removed from just about everything at this point. If there ever was somewhere they should put it back, it's Variants
    This is basically my point. Every day more and more ppl get closer to completing everything. The only content for end game players is maybe the summer of pain that has been put off till later. At least if the variants got progressively more difficult then ppl that have been playing for years would have something to look forward to. They may knock it out in a day. But as it gets harder it will give players something a try every stage to work towards.

    I realize some ppl choose to spend thousands of units to complete content right when its released but I think the majority try to use as little as possible. Many ppl farm items for months to do difficult content. They don't mind spending but also realize why spend when it can be for free.

    It doesn't matter with variants if u are the first to finish or if it takes a few months to complete. That's why I would never spend thousands of units just to say it's done and then be bored and complaining about nothing to do in the game.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,917 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    1. Variants "meant to be harder content" can have different interpretations, it is not just confined to Variant vs Story Quests but also vs "Classic" content. Please don't forget this is a "throwback" series.
    2. Since this is a throwback series and thus it is standalone, you can play it now or play it when all your top champs are become 6*r5 in future. Difficulty is diminishing when your champs grow.
    3. There are always 2 dimensions to approach "hard" content. You can either use your top champs or lower level champs. When you think it is no longer challenging, why not pick a lower level champs (such as 2/3/4*) to approach it? Even within UC/Cavalier there is a wide gap between top quantile and lower quantile. There are still bunch of players with 6*r3 but still can't complete UC EQs.
    4. When difficulty increases, then there will be another group of players complaining the rewards is not appealing. This is an never ending game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,970 ★★★★★
    Besides, Book 2 is looking promising. Pending any changes, I'm sure people will find a fun challenge with that. Even that will have some people who zip through it. There's always going to be some that are past everything.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Besides, Book 2 is looking promising. Pending any changes, I'm sure people will find a fun challenge with that. Even that will have some people who zip through it. There's always going to be some that are past everything.

    I'm still working on the 2nd quest as I didn't have any time for it today but so far, there's nothing I'd call challenging for the very late game players. I'm not saying it's boring or I hate it, but it's certainly not something I'd call difficult.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,970 ★★★★★

    I'm still working on the 2nd quest as I didn't have any time for it today but so far, there's nothing I'd call challenging for the very late game players. I'm not saying it's boring or I hate it, but it's certainly not something I'd call difficult.
    I wouldn't say too difficult. It's in line. Quest 2 is a bit more acute than Quest 1. It's less forgiving. Try the Rulk in Quest 3. Lol.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,970 ★★★★★
    Guess I better stay quiet outside of that.
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