War tier 1 bracket size changed drastically today.

Up until a yesterday tier 1 war rating was somewhere between 45 and 48th rated alliance in global war rating. We are low 30 ranked and now tier 2. Please look into this as it has a major impact on season rankings.
Somebody has to fill all the empty slots at the bottom...
How is being a top 30 alliance right now not Tier 1....
Did 15,000 alliances get deleted.....because the otherwise that makes no sense.
War 11 we were ranked 33 and tier 2.
We won and are now tier 1 again but.....
We happen to know some people in alliances that are currently ranked 34-37 that are tier 1.
So my question, how is rank 33 tier 2 in war 11 but is now tier 1 in war 12?
@Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra
this comes out to the ranking you are talking about when you say you are ranked 33. But just because you are rank 33 in overall points for war does not mean you are rank 33 for your tier, because your ranking in your tier goes off the tier points.
Lets do an experiment, lets take 2 alliances, both in tier 3, a 6x multiplier. Lets say one alliance wins every war with no bg clears, and the other loses every war with 100% exploration. I know this is unlikely to happen, but it illustrates the issue.
Alliance A
At no BG clears the winner will get ~130k points per war (including the 50k for winning) so after 12 wars they will have 9,360,000
Alliance B
The team that loses but with full clears will get ~140k points per war so they will end up with 10,080,000 points
So even though alliance A won all their wars they lost to Alliance B in the points, however alliance A will have a higher war rating than Alliance B because of the wins.
War 11 our war rating had us at 33, i.e. only 32 alliances with a higher rating. Fast forward to war 12 where much lower ranks are Tier 1. Doesn't seem like a big deal but that's about 200k points we just lost and is the determining factor between p1 and masters.
There are also other problems that go into trying to compare your season rank to your war rating rank. Take my plat alliance, our leaders forgot to enlist us one time, so we lost rank down to gold, but because we did not fight a war our war rating stayed the same.
If you skip a war you will drop war rankings because you will lose hundreds of thousands of possible points, but your war rating will not change because no war was ever fought.
I'd love to hear the reasoning behind being ranked 33 in war 11 and getting tier 2 points and the very next war having that same ranking be Tier 1.