Abyss of Legends planning help
War season is over so I want to take a crack at AOL. I seem to have all the champs (no HT but I have Void) needed to do the easy path of AOL. I have done easy path of LOL and completed act 6. I would say my skill level is average, below Seatin level.
I know I need to bring Aegon and Void but the other 3 slots I have questions and need help.
I have max sig 5/65 Doom and Symbiote Supreme but which one is better for AOL? Should I bring both? Seem like Doom would be better for CMM but SS seem better for the other cosmic champs like Hyperion, Medusa, VTD, Champion.
Do I really need Nick Fury?
Here is my 5-6* roster from 4/55 and up. If I can’t dupe Void, I have a generic gem I can use and get to about sig 110.
I know I need to bring Aegon and Void but the other 3 slots I have questions and need help.
I have max sig 5/65 Doom and Symbiote Supreme but which one is better for AOL? Should I bring both? Seem like Doom would be better for CMM but SS seem better for the other cosmic champs like Hyperion, Medusa, VTD, Champion.
Do I really need Nick Fury?
Here is my 5-6* roster from 4/55 and up. If I can’t dupe Void, I have a generic gem I can use and get to about sig 110.
Doom is arguably better than SymSup for further paths in but easy path wise, you actually only need 4 champs.
Is Heimdall worth bringing over quake?
Can you help answer this question? Do I kill off NF at beginning of Abyss or keep him alive for IW?
My current mastery
No you don’t need WP 😂
WP is really not needed.
Regardless, haven't been too bad yet, except for imiw. Spent 1.2k units on revives so far after the Joe Fixit fight.
The hardest fight for me was IW. I had boosts on for NF and I just couldn't chip away enough health in one go. I end up using 15-18 revives, which is the same amount I needed for The Collector.