Boss are not random on the pirate island
guys I'm in trouble here, in the treasure island mission my boss never changes, it's always the weapon x, I don't have heroes and I don't have the ability to spend it with the heroes I have. I heard that the boss are random, but here they are always the same, I've tried everything and there is always weapon x, I would like to know if kabam has already positioned himself on this because it is unfair, I figth with weapon x, while others are fight wih x23, cable ....
obs: sorry my english, i'm not a native speaker.
obs: sorry my english, i'm not a native speaker.
Each time I've taken Ghost with synergies in.
But yeah, havok tears through both Magneto's! In fact, he's probably the best counter now.
Weapon X did I face! And I did fall before him. Reset the map, said I! That’s not how it works, said they! You must triumph, or surrender the 7500 5* and 1000 6* shards!
So off to YouTube I ventured, seeking my answers.
Spoilers: the answer was get really, really lucky and somehow proc multiple crits bleeds off Dominos SP 2, then run like ****.
On another alt, I used IMIW and he was surprisingly very good against him.
Don’t think boss is the same across all difficulties at same time, and doubt that when you beat him in one difficulty that it resets for next time in other difficulties too.
Could potentially be that it resets each day (like Labs/Rifts, but they had daily Timers on Panel). However, this one has an overall 30+ day timer, so I was assuming that it would not reset each day (in case you weren’t able to beat him one day).
Good test would be one night (or morning) see who boss is (but then quit/exit), and next afternoon (after time when next objective drops) go back in again and see if it changed.
2nd test would be see who Legendary boss is, quit/exit, go into lower (Epic) and beat that one, then go back into Legendary and see if changed.