Mephisto,Morningstar or Blade

Here it is..the datamined info for these three new champs.Who do u think is better in terms of their abilities and why?
I owe all the info credit to seatin and the jj guy from discord

I owe all the info credit to seatin and the jj guy from discord
Mephisto,Morningstar or Blade 108 votes
But I really want Blade
blade will be science bcoz he has cooling glasses and cooling glasses are based on science
Got high hopes for pretty much all of the Champions this month. We'll see tomorrow when we can look at their abilities ingame!
nah. not this time..anyway we"ll see tomorrow!
Blade will be meh because popular champs usually get shafted by Kabam
Why would you rank up vulture
Anyways, none of them seem crazy OP. They might be if they aggressively stack some of those abilities, but their passives all feed back into the same thing.
Blade - Just wants to repeat specials to get bleeds to repeat more specials. So, his bleed needs to be really good for him to be a good character.
Mephisto - Everything feeds back into his incinerate. So, his incinerate needs to be good.
Morningstar - Everything feeds back into holding soul charges. Has the most potential to be crazy. However, it depends on how easy it is to get and hold those soul charges or whether you lose them if the character has to be revived.
I would wait to see how Morningstar works. They all seem pretty decent, but not hype. Although if you need a good champion that has some immunities Mephisto is definitely a good option.
It wouldn’t make much sense if Blade was anything other than skill considering he relies a lot on bleeds and that’s a skill class signature for the most part.
That's the third time someone has said that, but it makes no sense for them to be Cosmic. They use magical energy and are dimensional beings, not space aliens.
Blade does seem pretty easy though.
@X_Scott, I get that. At the end of the day it's all still a game, and it doesn't matter if you have an awesome character if you hate playing them. Sometimes simple can be good because it makes them relaxing to play and there are less ways to screw up a fight by accidentally misusing a complex mechanic.
And I guess all of them are mystic considering their synergies are all mystic beings.