Whale questions

This is only for stacked rosters with at least 5 6 stars at Rank 2.
I’m just curious.
Who are your regulars?
Do you ever use an SE Spidey, Blade, GR anymore?
Are Classics like Voodoo or Medusa relevant to you at this point?
What about buffed champs like Red Mags or Hulkbuster?
What makes a champ in your extensive roster get gameplay time - strategy, fun?
I’m just curious.
Who are your regulars?
Do you ever use an SE Spidey, Blade, GR anymore?
Are Classics like Voodoo or Medusa relevant to you at this point?
What about buffed champs like Red Mags or Hulkbuster?
What makes a champ in your extensive roster get gameplay time - strategy, fun?
I’m still mainly use my 5* tbh. In most cases a high wig 5* is better than my unawakened 6*.
AW is usually NF/CMM/SS/HT/Warlock/Ghost/Colossus/Magneto
AQ - Blade if I’m lazy, Aegon, CG
General questing depends but my Favourite ‘blind content’ team is probably Ghost, Doom, NF, CMM, Torch.
Idk I use a lot of my R5/2 champs. Outside of the few I ranked for defence alone like Nova i make a point of using all of them at least a bit.
My main champs are basically everyone in the meta. (Doom, Corvus, Ghost, Quake, Claire, Omega, etc).
Trinity hasn't been relevant to me in a long time, they don't have much utility and a lot of nodes counter them.
Beyond that it’s like @Lormif said.
For OP’s questions...
I use blade w/ trinity once in awhile, still reliable for what that team does.
Older meta champs like medusa, doctor voodoo etc...I don’t use them unless the content calls upon them.
Newly buffed up champs are probably harder for me to accept then anything else in the game. Even if I’m in the beta for a champion rework 🤷♂️. I don’t use any of them except she hulk or colossus once in a blue moon.
AW Defense: Doom/Void/Hulkbuster/Vision Aarkus/Mojo
AQ: Ghost/Wasp/Havok
Quest: Nick Fury/Sunspot/CapAmerica IW/Black Widow CV/Iron Man IW
Have really bad luck even now I can’t pull Corvus and Hyperion, but I think my teams are almost mature....
I have duplicates of all my R3s but one and love it as I can run both teams in AW or AQ or have them on defense and offense
Have NF CMM domino g2099 capIW and Emma R3.
And have them all max sig r5 besides emma
Having both makes questing easier at the same time as war
Of my 6r3s (Sym Supreme, Psylocke, Havok, and Void): I use Void and Havok almost daily. They are always on my starting questing team and I take them into pretty much everything. Sym gets used a lot too and Psylocke gets busted out when I want a power control champ or just want to have fun.
Of my 6r2s (Corvus, Doom, Sentinel, and Ghost): It's really only Doom that gets used. I don't like fighting with Corvus and never have, but I use him a lot in AW when it's up, but that's really the only place I use him--he's still going to 6r3 ASAP though because I need him for Legends Runs. Ghost gets used sometimes, but I don't play her too much anymore, though I do like her. Sentinel just never gets used. I ranked him up for one specific path in 6.3 I think it was and just don't really use him ever. He's not awakened, which is probably a big reason why I don't use him because building analysis charges takes so long, but I still bust him out whenever there's a tough mutant boss.
Of my r5s (Doom, Namor, Aegon, Captain Sparkles, Sunspot, BWDO, Medusa, Starky, Claire, Ronin, Voodoo, Fury, Mister Fantastic, Thing, Stealthy, Havok, Colossus, Venom, Ant-Man, Magneto, and Hyperion): Doom, Hyperion, and Fury are the three that I use daily. Other than them, Medusa, Voodoo, BWDO, Colossus, and Starky get a lot of use too. Mister Fantastic doesn't get used too much unless I need his Cross/Pre-Fight ability. Thing only comes off AW defense if I want to use Thing Cheese for something. Sparkles almost never gets used anymore, neither does Claire, Havok, Ant-Man, or Aegon (to be fair, he's only for long content anyways). Venom gets used as an evade counter only now and I'm getting used to the new Magneto (so far I like him). Ronin I use whenever I can because I love playing him. The only one that I really never use is Stealthy. I don't like him and I only ranked him up for Abyss Luke Cage and for that, he served his purpose admirably and I don't regret ranking him at all.