September Login Crystal
Something special is happening's going to rain 4* Silver Surfers. 😂
As always, for those who have access to the 4/5 star login crystal, which version did you get?
This was my actual pull. Well, what a surprise - pulling the 4* in between two 5*s. 😂
Again, this is to see the actual drop rates since there aren't any posted. It would be ideal for those who pulled 5* versions to post screenshots. Running statistics indicate that the drop rate for the 5-star is at least 3% but not higher than 5%. Although, latest stats indicate it's possibly between 3-4%.
As always, for those who have access to the 4/5 star login crystal, which version did you get?
This was my actual pull. Well, what a surprise - pulling the 4* in between two 5*s. 😂
Again, this is to see the actual drop rates since there aren't any posted. It would be ideal for those who pulled 5* versions to post screenshots. Running statistics indicate that the drop rate for the 5-star is at least 3% but not higher than 5%. Although, latest stats indicate it's possibly between 3-4%.
All lower tiers.
I am not uc
Nice screenshot of the crystal still spinning! Did you also take one when it stopped on the 5*?