Elsa Bloodstone Best Rotations/Tips?

I just took my 5* Elsa to R3 and she's going to R4 as soon as I get some iso due to a Rank-Up Roulette poll.
I know she's bugged atm, but act for a second like she's not π, what are the best rotations for short fights and long fights? I've heard different things and can't figure out the best way to use her. Any other tips you have would also be greatly appreciated.
I know she's bugged atm, but act for a second like she's not π, what are the best rotations for short fights and long fights? I've heard different things and can't figure out the best way to use her. Any other tips you have would also be greatly appreciated.
How Intricate
Differs a little when there is an evade champ. I try to coldsnap them asap.
Dr. Zola
Mine is 6R2