GR’s Judgements

This is a how to for his Judgements. It’s for the players that don’t get why he’s a beast. There were a few in my alliance that didn’t understand how to use him. ENJOY!

This wasn’t a “how to beat WS” but a how to get his Judgements to generate.
And the regen does make him a beast, because he just does average damage.
You could bring Quake and HE for that synergy.
Bro.. this isn’t a how to beat WS video.
I've done this. That synergy is great for SW too. Still would prefer an increased proc chance with the dupe or a synergy for him that does something similar.
I know. But a beast is only a beast if he handles higher level content (longer fights). Longer fights is what my post was targeted toward, not just WS.
He handles long fights like a beast by coming out with perfect health. It's up to you to choose what you want out of him.
But it makes no sense to go for the long regen when he has near perfect health. All I'm saying is that is where you want to inflict heavier damage for longer. Having the regen buff active for a long period of time while you're at full health doesn't do you any good.
GR is a beast, but you aren't playing him optimally if you always go for the long regen buff.
If the leak is to be believed blade will have a synergy with gr that specifically increases his chance to inflict judgements on all opponents.
Let's be realistic and not exaggerate, having to attempt the same judgement 5 times to trigger is more rare than a 4* from PHC.