Abyss of Legends Path 2

Just completed initial run of Abyss. Was easier than I originally feared couple of annoying fights but overall cost less in pots and units than I had planned for. Now I’m stoked to get it 100% explored in the next few months possibly by the end of the year. That being said any recommendations on the team to bring for path 2. Estimated costs, tips and tricks are welcomed too. Thanks in advance
I do recommend Heimdall also, if you have the space. He was quite nice to have on the lanes I did run with him (which should have been all of them, dang it).
Also have 6* awakened Ghost, unawakened CMM and HT at r2 @Amonthir
Mags is intriguing because there are 9 metal champs on path 2 Darkhawk, ghost, imiw, taskmaster, modok, Howard, GG, punisher 2099, and cull.