The Apology Needs to be as Loud as the DISRESPECT. COLOSSUS, the TRUE heir to Ghost and Quake.

Yes, this man. The SAME man who was been MEMED for weeks, months, YEARS, EONS!!! Everyone said "SEND A COLOSSUS HIS WAY!" as a joke, as a meme... Fast forward to November 2020. A brand new champion, a shiny new metal boi, with COOL, NEW, EPIC abilities!
It was TIME Colossus, the BIG metal boi, got his justice (Another mutant is still waiting for his justice...). ARMOR for days, making him one of the tankiest champions in the ENTIRE game. An sp3 that will NEVER allow the opponent to crit ever again for as long as the match lasts, I call that PUNISHMENT for disrespecting Colossus! An extremely POTENT fury buff off his heavy attack allowing for HUGE damage which could even shatter Falcon's wings and Terrax's axe! One of the hardest hitting SP2's in the ENTIRE game. A possible STUN LOCK strategy off the sp1 with the Emma Frost synergy (more power gain!). Is that all? NO it is not. We are not talking about mediocre champs like Domino, Terrax, or Bishop rn, we're talking about COLOSSUS. The true MAN OF STEEL. Who is Superman in this world? He is a NOBODY. Colossus is the TRUE (Mutant Corvus) MAN OF STEEL! Let's continue with his abilities, shall we? All the immunities in the world! If I named them all I would lose my voice! This makes him a counter to SO many DOT nodes. That's NOT all. Not at all. He has some of the MOST powerful synergies in the ENTIRE game. A synergy with Omega Red (one of the best champs in the game) that massively increases his attack per armor up and a synergy with Emma Frost (amazing champ) that increases his power rate! In addition, the 2 new mutants, Professor X and the dud (jk I love big Poco), have some JUICY synergies with the MAN OF STEEL. Professor X gives him near POISON immunity, adding to his laundry list of immunities! They also give him prowess to make that SP2 EVEN CHUNKIER.
So there's that. Colossus is so good it's hard to FATHOM. He went from a weak steel boy to an IMMENSE MAN OF STEEL POWERHOUSE. The best mutant champion in the game, and in my humbled opinion, the 3rd BEST champion in the ENTIRE game, only after the amazing Quake and Ghost. He has almost everything (no regen but his immense armors make him such a tank so he barely takes any damage). However, he sucks for buffet, I MUST mention that. I once accidentally walked into a 15% buffet fight with Colossus and I still have NIGHTMARES of that fight to this day. I was 300 hits in and PROXIMA JUST WOULDN'T GO DOWN!!!! 😭😭😭. But aside from that, he is a GOD. The TRUE MAN OF STEEL. The TRUE HEIR TO THE THRONE left by Quake and Ghost.
*Magneto scrunches him to death*
Respectfully, get to f***