Newer Player Looking for Alliance

Never done this before, but here goes.
Picked this game up because I'm a huge Marvel Comics fan; been collecting comics for over 40 years. I'm a newer player (about six weeks or so) looking to join an Alliance to learn the ropes, help me get better and hopefully upgrade my roster of characters. Thing is, I'm also a parent of two active teens and employed full-time so while I try to log in every day (sometimes a couple times if I'm able), this isn't my life and I won't be online playing for hours on end.
I just got to Level 38, Rating of 74K, Prestige of 2,346. Top characters are:
Ultron 4*, duped, 4/5, 40/40
Sorcerer Supreme 4*, duped, 3/5, 30/30
Terrax, 4*, 3/5, 30/30
Dr. Strange, 4*, 3/5, 30/30
Quake, duped, 3*, 4/4, maxed
Also have duped, maxed 3* Sunspot, Black Widow (Level 99), Scarlet Witch (Level 69), Starlord, and working on getting Gwenpool, Iceman, and Wolverine (and possibly Dr. Voodoo) there as well.
Other 4* on my roster that I'm actively upgrading are Yellowjacket, Quake, and Scarlet Witch; may work on my Black Widow (Claire Voyant) at some point, but I have A LOT of mystics, so she is not much of a priority.
Other 4* that I have but not working on are Vulture, Venom the Duck (duped), Aegon, War Machine, Cyclops (Blue), and Spider-Man (Classic).
Just looking to join a group of chill players who are willing to put up with an old guy as he looks to get better and have a little fun. If you have a spot on your roster, let me know and I'll check it out. Thanks.
Picked this game up because I'm a huge Marvel Comics fan; been collecting comics for over 40 years. I'm a newer player (about six weeks or so) looking to join an Alliance to learn the ropes, help me get better and hopefully upgrade my roster of characters. Thing is, I'm also a parent of two active teens and employed full-time so while I try to log in every day (sometimes a couple times if I'm able), this isn't my life and I won't be online playing for hours on end.
I just got to Level 38, Rating of 74K, Prestige of 2,346. Top characters are:
Ultron 4*, duped, 4/5, 40/40
Sorcerer Supreme 4*, duped, 3/5, 30/30
Terrax, 4*, 3/5, 30/30
Dr. Strange, 4*, 3/5, 30/30
Quake, duped, 3*, 4/4, maxed
Also have duped, maxed 3* Sunspot, Black Widow (Level 99), Scarlet Witch (Level 69), Starlord, and working on getting Gwenpool, Iceman, and Wolverine (and possibly Dr. Voodoo) there as well.
Other 4* on my roster that I'm actively upgrading are Yellowjacket, Quake, and Scarlet Witch; may work on my Black Widow (Claire Voyant) at some point, but I have A LOT of mystics, so she is not much of a priority.
Other 4* that I have but not working on are Vulture, Venom the Duck (duped), Aegon, War Machine, Cyclops (Blue), and Spider-Man (Classic).
Just looking to join a group of chill players who are willing to put up with an old guy as he looks to get better and have a little fun. If you have a spot on your roster, let me know and I'll check it out. Thanks.