Mastery Setup easy change

Hi all.
I have a good suggestion related to mastery setups.
Imagine we could save our mastery setups to slots, for instance, we could save 3 mastery setups in 3 slots.
slot1: full suicide
slot2: war defense
slot3: long run (LOL/AOL)
we could change way faster our masteries and MORE OFTEN (because was easier and faster to change), and guess what... if the cost would remain the same, more $$$$$ for KABAM right? because people would change more their masteries
Think about it Kabameeers
I have a good suggestion related to mastery setups.
Imagine we could save our mastery setups to slots, for instance, we could save 3 mastery setups in 3 slots.
slot1: full suicide
slot2: war defense
slot3: long run (LOL/AOL)
we could change way faster our masteries and MORE OFTEN (because was easier and faster to change), and guess what... if the cost would remain the same, more $$$$$ for KABAM right? because people would change more their masteries
Think about it Kabameeers
They have been fairly decent at coming through with QOL changes since all the roadmap stuff so let’s hope for the best!
the main thing here.. is preferrably spending 65 units changin masteries very quickly, then spending 65units recovering all points and placing 1 by 1, each time
I'm quite pleased that they're bringing it up now to be honest. For me and a lot of the people in my alliance it was the biggest miss of the roadmap, not including it, especially with the semi-tease in one of Dorky Dave's videos. I get that it'd probably involve a lot more engine work than just making them free but I think it would pay dividends and it would make the UI far more streamlined.