I used a soul boost. No, really.

So I was finishing up the Legendary side quest last night, and I actually used an actual soul boost like for realsies. I couldn't believe it. I've been basically trying to complete Legendary without revives, which would otherwisemake it a bit too easy for me, and some paths ere somewhat difficult for me to do that, cold snap Sasquatch for example. For those paths I've been bringing two champs for the path and one path for the boss. However, the poison path seemed easy enough that I decided to bring one champ - Omega - for the path and two champs for the boss, just in case. So I had Omega for the path, Sym Supreme for The Champion, and I brought Sorcerer Supreme as insurance in case I made a boo boo on the Champion.
It all went fine until I slipped up on Red Guardian and took an SP1 to the face. I finished the fight with just a sliver of health. But I thought since Diablo wasn't a super hard fight, I should give it a try. I got him to about one third health and then I slipped up again and died. No more poison immune, so time to exit and just try again.
Then I thought about the soul boosts. They always looked stupid to me, but I decided to give them another glance.
Soul of Envy: The Attacker is Immune to Poison. Whenever a Poison fails to apply to the Attacker due to an Immunity, the Defender gains an Unstoppable Buff for 7 seconds. This Boost can only be used in the "Hades Invasions" Quest.
Well that's worthless. Who wants the defender to be going unstoppable all the time? I mean, if I had some counter to unstoppable buffs...
Huh. Well that's worth a try, since I'm overflowing with the soul currency anyway. I slap Soul of Envy on, go in with Sorcerer Supreme, and well what do you know, spamming SP1 and just nullifying the unstoppables was a piece of cake.
So yes, the Soul Boosts are not totally worthless. I found *one* use for them. Now if only there were 131 other uses for Soul Boosts, I would have something to do with all this Lost Soul currency.
It all went fine until I slipped up on Red Guardian and took an SP1 to the face. I finished the fight with just a sliver of health. But I thought since Diablo wasn't a super hard fight, I should give it a try. I got him to about one third health and then I slipped up again and died. No more poison immune, so time to exit and just try again.
Then I thought about the soul boosts. They always looked stupid to me, but I decided to give them another glance.
Soul of Envy: The Attacker is Immune to Poison. Whenever a Poison fails to apply to the Attacker due to an Immunity, the Defender gains an Unstoppable Buff for 7 seconds. This Boost can only be used in the "Hades Invasions" Quest.
Well that's worthless. Who wants the defender to be going unstoppable all the time? I mean, if I had some counter to unstoppable buffs...
Huh. Well that's worth a try, since I'm overflowing with the soul currency anyway. I slap Soul of Envy on, go in with Sorcerer Supreme, and well what do you know, spamming SP1 and just nullifying the unstoppables was a piece of cake.
So yes, the Soul Boosts are not totally worthless. I found *one* use for them. Now if only there were 131 other uses for Soul Boosts, I would have something to do with all this Lost Soul currency.
I knew 2020 was bad, but this. This is horrifying.
You can also use the Shock Immune Boost with a reverse heal champion. I used Torch and Void and I had fun cheesing those paths.