Immortal Hulk A Fail In Multiple Ways

ihulk is a complete and utter fail both offensively and defensively. Offensively he falls short mainly due to one his lack of utility.2 his Extremely hard to keep up rage stacks and 3 his damage he takes constantly.IMO his Rage stacks are by far his biggest problem which 2 seconds is not even close to enough time and is widely impractical to use in an act 6 fight. If you can’t keep them stun locked They will just throw the Sp3 if your too aggressive and if you play too passive you’ll do almost no damage.
But now I want to cover his defense capabilities. Defensively he has almost nothing going for him extremely easy specials to avoid. His biggest annoyance immortality is easily countered by DAR champs and champs who can apply bleeds as soon as immortality is over.
So this raises my final question. What’s the point of ihulk? He’s widely impractical for offensive uses.And Defensively he’s easily countered. What’s the point of this champ? He’s useless for basically everything. I’m really confused why they made him so bad for offensive and defensive uses.He reminds me of terrax how they are both not good offensively and both pretty meh defensively
But now I want to cover his defense capabilities. Defensively he has almost nothing going for him extremely easy specials to avoid. His biggest annoyance immortality is easily countered by DAR champs and champs who can apply bleeds as soon as immortality is over.
So this raises my final question. What’s the point of ihulk? He’s widely impractical for offensive uses.And Defensively he’s easily countered. What’s the point of this champ? He’s useless for basically everything. I’m really confused why they made him so bad for offensive and defensive uses.He reminds me of terrax how they are both not good offensively and both pretty meh defensively
Let’s consolidate so they can answer in one thread (or not).
Just a different shade of green.
-Taunt mechanic similar to She Hulk, maybe each rage stack makes them 15% more likely to throw a special attack
-Some mechanic to be really aggressive and disable access to opponent's Sp3 like Dragon Man or IMIW
-Damage done to himself should be capped at 8%. However he can still generate gamma radiation while at the cap himself. This mechanic gives him access to what could potentially be a really great regen mechanic which is one of his main gimmicks in the comics.
We've had a few complete duds in the past 12 months and rebalancing has disappeared. As much as there's a lot of noise for him, I won't be holding my breath expecting any changes.
He’s not perfect and could use a tweak to his cooldown timer, but he’s a pretty simple champion to use with some crazy damage. I do believe that he should just go full Fury and CMM during immortality and shrug off or become immune to all debuffs while immortal and regening. If I could tweak one more thing, which is a suggestion I read in another thread, it would be to reduce the self damage he takes while on cooldown, but still receive full gamma. This would be insane. Some resistance to healblock and AAR would pretty nice too.
I’m cool down i would use MLLLL a lot, and it makes me wish that ending a combo in a L gives some utility. A slow mechanic or honestly, even a weakness would work. His petrify is VERY underrated and it’s because you also inflict weakness with full combos - meaning you reverse healing.
The smashing is awesome and times correctly he obliterates regeneration champs. Look at my video with the 4* R3 vs ROL Wolverine.
I used him in incursions and lasted forever. Ate up a bunch of Degen.
I believe two things are going on here.
1. The play style of this champ is something nobody has ever seen before. It causes people to play him and not maximize his kit
2. He’s incomplete. Add a mechanic to the end of a light combo and change the degeneration to include ALL energy damage or increase Degen to 70% (like Gulk) and now you’re talking. I would rank 5 him and would quest in AQ with him.
Overall he’s good. A new style of playing. I think the two items above make him undesirable.