Act 6 Bosses Tips

Act 6 Bosses Tips - Agent X zzz
6.1.1 Sabretooth (Mutants gain 125% attack rating in the fight, Oscillate, Indomitable, No Retreat)
AA, G2099, Quake, Ghost, Void.
Note: Reduced ability accuracy champs work, or any heal blockers or regen to deal with no retreat, try to evade the first hit of his sp1, parry the second then dex the third. Gulk works quite well for this global as he will regenerate 70% of damage taken while under face me. CMM also works really well especially due to her Indestructible she will ignore no retreat for 12 seconds, and she does massive damage.
6.1.2 Ultron (Classic) (Spite, Special Delivery, Combo Party, Backup Recovery, EMP Mods, Aggression Armor, Spry)
Quake, Medusa, Nebula, Magneto, RG.
Note: Any champ with minimal buffs will help a bunch here, Red Guardian as well will be a big MVP, any robot counters, Quake is probably my favorite champion for this fight, Either you can do the heavy parry method, or shut off spite with her by dexing when concussion is active. Shock Immune Champions Like Doom and Thing can help to deal with EMP mods.
6.1.3 Ghost (Limber, LDR, Godslayer, True strike, Aggression Cruelty)
Medusa, Hyperion, Cmm, Aarkus, Corvus.
Note: Quite a simple fight to be fair, just need to know how to intercept and you are golden. LDR will heal you if you got WP, any armor break champs are nice for this fight.
6.1.4 Loki (Close encounters, Limber, enhanced sp1, force of will, increased buff duration)
G2099, Doctor Doom, Human torch, Red Hulk, Magik.
Note: Same to ghost a pretty easy fight, but you will need to be baiting quite a few of loki's sp1s. Power control will help here if you are not comfortable evading his sp1s. Red Hulk and Torch will just completely melt him, void works fantastic here as you can reverse his power gain with FOTV + petrifies.
6.1.5 Crossbones (Poison 30, +-FOW / Bane, Power Struggle, Vigor, 10% chance to stun for 1.5(s))
Ghost, Doctor Doom, (cheese requires salve or WP) Warlock, Aegon, G2099.
Note: After Switching biohazard to poison 30, it makes quite a few more champs viable, but makes omega and magneto quite a bit worse. Any decent damage output poison immune will do. Do not use champs that completely rely on their special 2 or 3 as you can not reliably get to them due to power struggle. For the doom cheese essentially after you build to a sp3 what you want to do is "mlm lmlm" and then you will be back at another sp3, repeat til he is dead. Mysterio works great as well since he is poison immune (while not armor broken) and his heal block is passive so cannot be shrugged off.
6.1.6 Sentinel (Fisticuffs, Synergies as nodes, Stun Immunity, Hurt locker, Plagued Mind)
Ghost, Quake, Hype, Medusa, Aarkus.
Note: Not a hard fight, but a long one, Sentinel has about 400k HP and he is stun immune so it will be quite a long fight, just be prepared and have your intercept game on. Since he is a robot, any champs that shut down robots (Aarkus, Medusa, Nebs) work fantastic.
6.2.1 Symbiote Supreme (Life Cycle, Pilfer, Prey on the Weak, FOW, Opportunist)
Magik, Shehulk, Torch, Red Hulk, G2099. (both prefights)
Note: Power control champions work really good here as you can just heavy spam in the corner, She hulk works magnificently well as her petrify off sp2 (115%) will just reverse his power gain and he will be stuck in the corner. You can safely use the dexterity mastery while under a stagger when he is his armor phase (Nulls Shadow) or Bleed Phase (Set Fangs) He only will deal damage from a stagger when you are in his nullify phase (Cthons Cunning).
6.2.2 Mr Sinister (Prey on the Weak - 3, Caustic Temper, Back Blast)
Medusa, Warlock/G2099 (Robot uprising Synergy) Hyperion, CMM, Ghost.
Note: Since the removal of EMP Modifications, it makes this fight quite a bit easier, makes practically every poison immune fury champ viable and possible to solo. Any poison immune with Angela and heimdall works magnificently. Ghost as well. Cap IW with skill synergy (and Angela + Heimdall) actually works quite well for this fight, I recommend tech synergy as well so he can petrify Mr sinister and reduce his healing potency. Mr sinister is immune to heal reversal so heal reversal wont work.
6.2.3 Omega Red (Icarus, Limber)
CMM, Doom, Warlock, Ghost, Corvus.
Note: Many champs like CMM, Ghost, Corvus, KM + Void (potentially) Can cheese this fight very fast, robots will do well, Wasp, Doom. CMM is my personal favorite where I soloed this fight in 15 seconds with her. Doom and wasp work really good since you can chain a combo into a heavy so you can immediately remove the furys so you cannot be degenerated. Although KM (with void) is really good for this chapter, he is not particularly the best for this omega, due to his bleeds it will trigger omegas death field, and you basically degenerate to death, but KM can get quite a big chunk off.
6.2.4 Kingpin (Destructive Feedback, Empowered Immunity, Stun Immunity)
Ghost, Domino, Aegon, Havok, Colossus.
Note: Kingpin is quite an easy fight, and to be fair can be soloed by practically anyone as long as you know how to intercept, it is a decently long fight as Kingpin has a decently high health pool. Aegon is my favorite champion here as he can burst down Kingpin quite fast. Havok when Kingpin purifies his plasma takes massive damage.
6.2.5 Mordo (Hurt locker, Increased Ability Accuracy (20%) Strength in Numbers, Special Delivery, Spite, Do Not Go gentle, unblockable specials)
Void, Doctor Doom, Tigra, Quake, Torch.
Note: Probably the worst Boss / Chapter in all of act 6, SIN which is a terrible node design, (For every attacker knocked out on your team suffer -12.5% Ability accuracy and 12.5% Attack.) It used to be 25% but was toned down a bit, although imo they should have abolished the node completely. Wasp is great here especially with the havok synergy, Magik if you take off the Hurt locker node can solo with ease. Ghost + Hood is also a great option. She Hulk, RG work quite well. Quake Heavy parry, and Void is the best option imo.
6.2.6 Power Stone Champion (Champion of the universe ability is applied to all champs, Increased aa)
Shehulk, Tigra (with Black Panther syn) Doctor Doom, Symbiote Supreme, Sorcerer Supreme.
Note: Practice, practice, practice duels, evading that sp1 is key, do not go in blind, bring strong nullifiers, buff control or Slow Champions. He is nerfed a ton now so he should be much easier than he was before. Remember due to his increased ability accuracy his Unstoppable will trigger every time even when they are under a slow debuff, now this unstoppable will not act as a natural unstoppable effect so even if it is there and they are under a slow effect it will not cause them to actually be "Unstoppable" Unfortunately even though it is there it still has the side effects of the "Unstoppable" Like the regen, the main problem with this is the 70-40% Main Phase, when he is unstoppable making contact with him causes you to be stunned for X seconds. Due to this it makes stealthy not very viable for him. A fun option for The Champion is Loki, I soloed him with my r2 Loki method is get to sp3, and place him under a curse, slowdown combos to look for that passive stun opening to heavy to refresh it, the hardest part was the 40-10% phase, where I needed to spam sp1 to steal buffs due to curse not working as debuffs cannot be applied during that phase. Another alright option is Aegon where you can burst down a couple chunks off with the heavy method.
6.3.1 Medusa (Explosive Personality, Do you Bleed, Bleed Vulnerability, 10% chance to gain fury per hit, Buffet, Extinction Protocol, Improved Power Gain)
Nick Fury, Symbiote Supreme, Killmonger, Archangel, Warlock.
Note: Bring strong bleeders with no buffs, Black Panther OG works quite nicely here, Blade, AA works due to medusas poison immunity his bleeds just melt her. Nick is the best option imo, you do not even need his 2nd phase, just stay in his first phase and parry medium heavy to get those internals up. Champions Like Venom will not work due to buffet he is unable to out-damage the buffet. Squirrel girl also works quite well here.
6.3.2 Nick Fury (Debuff Immunity, Empowered Immunity, Bloodletting, Shank, Tactical Adjustment)
Force Close Cheese, Deadpool X force, Sunspot, Havok, Nick Fury, Colossus.
Note: Bring champs with a bunch of DOT effects in their basic combo so you can easily push him to a sp2 evade it and repeat, Ghost with Hood is quite a good option, even though he cannot miss at 5 or more tactical charges, ghost cannot take damage while in phase so you wont take damage but just get a free fury. If you can reparry you can use this method to push him to a sp2 due to empowered immunity.
6.3.3 Havok (Crumbling Armor Cornered 200%, Force Of Will)
G2099 + powerburn prefight, Warlock, Colossus, Havok, Cyclops.
Note: Due to crumbling armor this fight can be quite tricky, G2099 is the best option imo with the power burn prefight as every time you use a medium it will reset his plasma meter. Colossus, Havok and Cyclops are all amazing for this fight, as Colossus is armor break immune, Havok and Cyclops do not take damage from Havoks blasts nor detonations. Ghost + Hood can work quite well.
6.3.4 IMIW (Power Gain +50%, Arc Overload 2.0, Indomitable, Armor, Enhanced Armored Up, Armor break immunity)
Void, Hype, Magneto, Havok, Torch.
Note: Not the hardest fight but he can be quite tricky, Due to indomitable his regeneration cannot be reversed. Havok I used for initial clear and he worked very very well surprisingly. The last 15% is the hardest to deal with, Magneto, Void, Venom all work quite well for the final 15%. Nick Fury also works pretty good for this fight as he ignores auto block since he is unblockable. Hyperion overall is probably my favorite champion for this fight, use sp1 to heavy spam which 1) Deals a bunch of damage and 2) utilizes despair to mitigate the regeneration from arc overload.
6.3.5 Mysterio (Increased combat power rate, (50%) Tunnel Vision, Matador, Toxic Behavior)
Magento, Hyperion, G2099, Torch, Coruvs.
Note: Due to removing the node "armour break immunity" It makes this fight significantly easier, Magneto works strangely in this fight, even though mysterio was not under an armour break he was failing matador although Mysterio is immune to aar, so be aware of that. G2099 ramped works quite well here, Quake Can work but I do not recommend due to toxic behavior + aar immunity, Torch works great, Corvus works, Hype, Dusa, Cmm all can burst him down. Aegon with heavy spam method could potentially work quite well, I was unable to solo but did a decent chunk off (76%)
6.3.6 Captain America IW (Aggression Fury, Surging Vengeance, Crit me with your best shot, Destructive Feedback, Electric Fluctuations - 3)
Ghost + Hood, Stark Spidey, Corvus, Aegon, Wasp.
Note: No more ronan cheese since they switched UNLIMITED POWER -> Aggression Fury, Any champs that can tank sp3s (Luke, KM, icey man) can potentially work, any guaranteed / high crit chance champions will work great. Ghost + hood, Aegon + Heimdall, Starky are the best bets to solo. Wasp / Corvus can do it as well but it will take a couple of revives, Colossus with synergies can also do it.
6.4.1 Iceman (Matador, Stun immunity, Protection Shielding - 3, Heal Block, increased energy damage)
Ghost, Warlock, Aegon (If Ramped) Mephisto, Colossus.
Note: Coldsnap Immune champions work best here, Rogue if you want a long fight i'm certain could work, Mephisto I used on completion it took too many hits like 700+, Nick Fury IF you have him still in first phase can solo quite easily, LMD will purify the coldsnap and then in your 2nd phase you will be dealing a bunch of damage making the fight easy, if you do not have any coldsnap immune, use Nickfury + Ironman synergy, which purifies the coldsnap and making it a easy iceman fight. Corvus works really well for this fight due to matador you will be able to spam tons of sp2. Colossus as well is a tank and works fantastic here, you can build up tons of armor by reparrying.
6.4.2 Thor Ragnarok (Power Reserve, Aspect Of Death, Prove Yourself, Combo Shield, Unblockable Specials)
G2099, Quake, Magik, Magneto, Doctor Doom.
Note: This fight can be soloed by quite a few champions, power control champions will for sure help you a bunch here, or champs that can tank sp3s. G2099 is probably my favorite option as you can completely bypass the "prove yourself at the start" and she has decent power control. Storm PX also works quite nice here, massive special damage.
6.4.3 Darkhawk (Force Of Will, Lion Heart, Power Efficiency, Hurtlocker)
Torch, Quake, Magneto, Medusa, Hyperion.
Note: Since the removal of "raptor upgrades" this fight has become significantly easier, although FOW is there, Medusa and AArkus still work fantastic, his abilities will still trigger but you can heavy spam in the corner with Medusa. Quake works fantastic here, no contact no problem. Mags smacks him up as well. Champs like Stealthy and Nick Fury actually work quite well, use web foam prefight with Stealthy to bypass miss while he is slowed. Hyperion also works quite well. Remember when using Human Torch vs Darkhawk, use his prefight or else you will be in big trouble due to lion heart.
6.4.4 CMM (Close Encounters, Crumbling Armor, Heavy Hitter, Down but not out, enhanced armor break)
Doctor Doom, Mephisto, Longshot, Claire, Maw.
Note: Mystics kill her, that's all you need to know, bring a mystic and you are set. IF you do not bring a mystic, do not worry she is quite an easy fight, just bait sp1 and you are golden, and try to stay close.
6.4.5 Hydra Adaptoid (Force Of Will, Matador, Vigor, Footloose, Limber, Armor break immunity)
She Hulk, Stealthy, Cap IW, Doom, Tigra.
Note: Slow champions work fantastic here you can control the fight easily, Strong nullifiers work fantastic here, Corvus works great, Magneto although there is FOW sp3 will smack him. She Hulk is my favorite option for sure. Tigra's neutralize will completely prevent any of his buffs and she smacks him. Although he is armor break immune, he is not armor shatter immune, so if you want to use medusa bait 3 sp1s then use your sp3 to armor shatter him, he will not gain any power while armor shattered, but his abilities will still trigger due to FOW. I personally do not recommend using Medusa but you got to work with what you have. Claire's buff immunity as well works quite nicely here to prevent all that power flood, unstoppable and evade buffs. MS if ramped can do this fight quite well.
6.4.6 GM (tactics)
Aegon, KM, Doom, Wasp, Cap IW.
Note: Watch a couple guides on him KT1, Seatin, MSD, MCOC NOOB have some really good ones to watch, he is a very skill based fight, champions with easy access to DOT effects are really good here (Colossus parrying, Quake blocking count!) If you go in blind you will end up getting wrecked, so please watch the guides, it is important to learn about the phases (100% - 80%, 79% - 30%, 29% - 1%, 1%) and Tokens of Competence vs Tokens of Blunder and Wounded Phase.
The GM bypasses Evade and Miss, he also has a health pool of 9 million but do not be intimidated.
Phase 1 - 100% - 80% There are 3 challenges, Ban Parry, Ban dexterity, Ban light attacks, after you complete each of these challenges he will instantly gain a sp1 which you need to evade / block / get hit in any given order. Blue Icon = Block the beam, Red Icon = Get hit by the beat, Green Icon = Dex the beam. After the sp1 he becomes wounded for 8 seconds increasing your damage by 150% per each token of competence you have. You gain 1 token of competence charge for each successful intercept you make during the phase. If you ban a tactic then you do that tactic while it is banned you gain 1 token of blunder charge. After 5 tokens of blunder he gains a sp3 and game over, tokens of blunder reset after each phase or fight. Tokens of Competence reset after every wounded phase or fight. If you do not attempt an attack in 10 seconds then you will degenerate until you attempt an attack.
Phase 2 79% - 30% This is the easiest and the longest phase, After 5 successful "challenges" completed the Grandmaster is wounded for 7 seconds, these challenges include, "Perform an Intercept" "Gain a Buff" "Land a critical hit" "Inflict a damage over time effect" and "Whiff an Attack" If you fail to complete a challenge then you gain a token of blunder, after 5 he gains a special 3 and game over. During this phase the special 1 has the same 3 icons to either block/dex/get hit. But It can occur more than once so you can have 2 dexes in one special so you must pay attention. Although this phase may seem long it is by far the easiest. The GM gains power by combat power rate in this phase.
Phase 3 29% - 1% This is the hardest phase due to reverse controls, now you can bring a champion who is immune to reverse controls like Emma frost with Mysterio Synergy, Professor X or Mr Sinister and this phase will be quite easy, or you can practice inverted controls in 6.3.1 or 6.1.6. Champions with a psychic resistance, like magneto, juggs etc, are not immune to reverse controls so do not bring them specifically for that phase. After you complete 5 challenges he will go wounded for 6 seconds, you have normal controls for 25.5 seconds and then are in reverse controls for 8.5 seconds. If you do not feel comfortable with reverse controls then I recommend you spam dash back. Challenges in this phase include "Stand Still" "Strike My Block" "Dash back" βKnock me Downβ and "Perform a perfect block" If you fail a challenge then you gain a Token Of Blunder, after 5 tokens It is game over. The GM has passive power gain in this phase, so he may be stingy with specials.
Phase 4 1% The GM is unstoppable for 18 seconds, after 18 seconds the Grandmaster is permanently wounded and can only be killed by a sp3 which you instantly gain after he is wounded. You can disable this unstoppable for 2.5 seconds if you successfully perform an intercept, if you do not like this method you can spam dash back in the corner.
Overall Act 6 has some challenges but has some fun, I hope you enjoyed it.
- Agent X zzz
6.1.1 Sabretooth (Mutants gain 125% attack rating in the fight, Oscillate, Indomitable, No Retreat)
AA, G2099, Quake, Ghost, Void.
Note: Reduced ability accuracy champs work, or any heal blockers or regen to deal with no retreat, try to evade the first hit of his sp1, parry the second then dex the third. Gulk works quite well for this global as he will regenerate 70% of damage taken while under face me. CMM also works really well especially due to her Indestructible she will ignore no retreat for 12 seconds, and she does massive damage.
6.1.2 Ultron (Classic) (Spite, Special Delivery, Combo Party, Backup Recovery, EMP Mods, Aggression Armor, Spry)
Quake, Medusa, Nebula, Magneto, RG.
Note: Any champ with minimal buffs will help a bunch here, Red Guardian as well will be a big MVP, any robot counters, Quake is probably my favorite champion for this fight, Either you can do the heavy parry method, or shut off spite with her by dexing when concussion is active. Shock Immune Champions Like Doom and Thing can help to deal with EMP mods.
6.1.3 Ghost (Limber, LDR, Godslayer, True strike, Aggression Cruelty)
Medusa, Hyperion, Cmm, Aarkus, Corvus.
Note: Quite a simple fight to be fair, just need to know how to intercept and you are golden. LDR will heal you if you got WP, any armor break champs are nice for this fight.
6.1.4 Loki (Close encounters, Limber, enhanced sp1, force of will, increased buff duration)
G2099, Doctor Doom, Human torch, Red Hulk, Magik.
Note: Same to ghost a pretty easy fight, but you will need to be baiting quite a few of loki's sp1s. Power control will help here if you are not comfortable evading his sp1s. Red Hulk and Torch will just completely melt him, void works fantastic here as you can reverse his power gain with FOTV + petrifies.
6.1.5 Crossbones (Poison 30, +-FOW / Bane, Power Struggle, Vigor, 10% chance to stun for 1.5(s))
Ghost, Doctor Doom, (cheese requires salve or WP) Warlock, Aegon, G2099.
Note: After Switching biohazard to poison 30, it makes quite a few more champs viable, but makes omega and magneto quite a bit worse. Any decent damage output poison immune will do. Do not use champs that completely rely on their special 2 or 3 as you can not reliably get to them due to power struggle. For the doom cheese essentially after you build to a sp3 what you want to do is "mlm lmlm" and then you will be back at another sp3, repeat til he is dead. Mysterio works great as well since he is poison immune (while not armor broken) and his heal block is passive so cannot be shrugged off.
6.1.6 Sentinel (Fisticuffs, Synergies as nodes, Stun Immunity, Hurt locker, Plagued Mind)
Ghost, Quake, Hype, Medusa, Aarkus.
Note: Not a hard fight, but a long one, Sentinel has about 400k HP and he is stun immune so it will be quite a long fight, just be prepared and have your intercept game on. Since he is a robot, any champs that shut down robots (Aarkus, Medusa, Nebs) work fantastic.
6.2.1 Symbiote Supreme (Life Cycle, Pilfer, Prey on the Weak, FOW, Opportunist)
Magik, Shehulk, Torch, Red Hulk, G2099. (both prefights)
Note: Power control champions work really good here as you can just heavy spam in the corner, She hulk works magnificently well as her petrify off sp2 (115%) will just reverse his power gain and he will be stuck in the corner. You can safely use the dexterity mastery while under a stagger when he is his armor phase (Nulls Shadow) or Bleed Phase (Set Fangs) He only will deal damage from a stagger when you are in his nullify phase (Cthons Cunning).
6.2.2 Mr Sinister (Prey on the Weak - 3, Caustic Temper, Back Blast)
Medusa, Warlock/G2099 (Robot uprising Synergy) Hyperion, CMM, Ghost.
Note: Since the removal of EMP Modifications, it makes this fight quite a bit easier, makes practically every poison immune fury champ viable and possible to solo. Any poison immune with Angela and heimdall works magnificently. Ghost as well. Cap IW with skill synergy (and Angela + Heimdall) actually works quite well for this fight, I recommend tech synergy as well so he can petrify Mr sinister and reduce his healing potency. Mr sinister is immune to heal reversal so heal reversal wont work.
6.2.3 Omega Red (Icarus, Limber)
CMM, Doom, Warlock, Ghost, Corvus.
Note: Many champs like CMM, Ghost, Corvus, KM + Void (potentially) Can cheese this fight very fast, robots will do well, Wasp, Doom. CMM is my personal favorite where I soloed this fight in 15 seconds with her. Doom and wasp work really good since you can chain a combo into a heavy so you can immediately remove the furys so you cannot be degenerated. Although KM (with void) is really good for this chapter, he is not particularly the best for this omega, due to his bleeds it will trigger omegas death field, and you basically degenerate to death, but KM can get quite a big chunk off.
6.2.4 Kingpin (Destructive Feedback, Empowered Immunity, Stun Immunity)
Ghost, Domino, Aegon, Havok, Colossus.
Note: Kingpin is quite an easy fight, and to be fair can be soloed by practically anyone as long as you know how to intercept, it is a decently long fight as Kingpin has a decently high health pool. Aegon is my favorite champion here as he can burst down Kingpin quite fast. Havok when Kingpin purifies his plasma takes massive damage.
6.2.5 Mordo (Hurt locker, Increased Ability Accuracy (20%) Strength in Numbers, Special Delivery, Spite, Do Not Go gentle, unblockable specials)
Void, Doctor Doom, Tigra, Quake, Torch.
Note: Probably the worst Boss / Chapter in all of act 6, SIN which is a terrible node design, (For every attacker knocked out on your team suffer -12.5% Ability accuracy and 12.5% Attack.) It used to be 25% but was toned down a bit, although imo they should have abolished the node completely. Wasp is great here especially with the havok synergy, Magik if you take off the Hurt locker node can solo with ease. Ghost + Hood is also a great option. She Hulk, RG work quite well. Quake Heavy parry, and Void is the best option imo.
6.2.6 Power Stone Champion (Champion of the universe ability is applied to all champs, Increased aa)
Shehulk, Tigra (with Black Panther syn) Doctor Doom, Symbiote Supreme, Sorcerer Supreme.
Note: Practice, practice, practice duels, evading that sp1 is key, do not go in blind, bring strong nullifiers, buff control or Slow Champions. He is nerfed a ton now so he should be much easier than he was before. Remember due to his increased ability accuracy his Unstoppable will trigger every time even when they are under a slow debuff, now this unstoppable will not act as a natural unstoppable effect so even if it is there and they are under a slow effect it will not cause them to actually be "Unstoppable" Unfortunately even though it is there it still has the side effects of the "Unstoppable" Like the regen, the main problem with this is the 70-40% Main Phase, when he is unstoppable making contact with him causes you to be stunned for X seconds. Due to this it makes stealthy not very viable for him. A fun option for The Champion is Loki, I soloed him with my r2 Loki method is get to sp3, and place him under a curse, slowdown combos to look for that passive stun opening to heavy to refresh it, the hardest part was the 40-10% phase, where I needed to spam sp1 to steal buffs due to curse not working as debuffs cannot be applied during that phase. Another alright option is Aegon where you can burst down a couple chunks off with the heavy method.
6.3.1 Medusa (Explosive Personality, Do you Bleed, Bleed Vulnerability, 10% chance to gain fury per hit, Buffet, Extinction Protocol, Improved Power Gain)
Nick Fury, Symbiote Supreme, Killmonger, Archangel, Warlock.
Note: Bring strong bleeders with no buffs, Black Panther OG works quite nicely here, Blade, AA works due to medusas poison immunity his bleeds just melt her. Nick is the best option imo, you do not even need his 2nd phase, just stay in his first phase and parry medium heavy to get those internals up. Champions Like Venom will not work due to buffet he is unable to out-damage the buffet. Squirrel girl also works quite well here.
6.3.2 Nick Fury (Debuff Immunity, Empowered Immunity, Bloodletting, Shank, Tactical Adjustment)
Force Close Cheese, Deadpool X force, Sunspot, Havok, Nick Fury, Colossus.
Note: Bring champs with a bunch of DOT effects in their basic combo so you can easily push him to a sp2 evade it and repeat, Ghost with Hood is quite a good option, even though he cannot miss at 5 or more tactical charges, ghost cannot take damage while in phase so you wont take damage but just get a free fury. If you can reparry you can use this method to push him to a sp2 due to empowered immunity.
6.3.3 Havok (Crumbling Armor Cornered 200%, Force Of Will)
G2099 + powerburn prefight, Warlock, Colossus, Havok, Cyclops.
Note: Due to crumbling armor this fight can be quite tricky, G2099 is the best option imo with the power burn prefight as every time you use a medium it will reset his plasma meter. Colossus, Havok and Cyclops are all amazing for this fight, as Colossus is armor break immune, Havok and Cyclops do not take damage from Havoks blasts nor detonations. Ghost + Hood can work quite well.
6.3.4 IMIW (Power Gain +50%, Arc Overload 2.0, Indomitable, Armor, Enhanced Armored Up, Armor break immunity)
Void, Hype, Magneto, Havok, Torch.
Note: Not the hardest fight but he can be quite tricky, Due to indomitable his regeneration cannot be reversed. Havok I used for initial clear and he worked very very well surprisingly. The last 15% is the hardest to deal with, Magneto, Void, Venom all work quite well for the final 15%. Nick Fury also works pretty good for this fight as he ignores auto block since he is unblockable. Hyperion overall is probably my favorite champion for this fight, use sp1 to heavy spam which 1) Deals a bunch of damage and 2) utilizes despair to mitigate the regeneration from arc overload.
6.3.5 Mysterio (Increased combat power rate, (50%) Tunnel Vision, Matador, Toxic Behavior)
Magento, Hyperion, G2099, Torch, Coruvs.
Note: Due to removing the node "armour break immunity" It makes this fight significantly easier, Magneto works strangely in this fight, even though mysterio was not under an armour break he was failing matador although Mysterio is immune to aar, so be aware of that. G2099 ramped works quite well here, Quake Can work but I do not recommend due to toxic behavior + aar immunity, Torch works great, Corvus works, Hype, Dusa, Cmm all can burst him down. Aegon with heavy spam method could potentially work quite well, I was unable to solo but did a decent chunk off (76%)
6.3.6 Captain America IW (Aggression Fury, Surging Vengeance, Crit me with your best shot, Destructive Feedback, Electric Fluctuations - 3)
Ghost + Hood, Stark Spidey, Corvus, Aegon, Wasp.
Note: No more ronan cheese since they switched UNLIMITED POWER -> Aggression Fury, Any champs that can tank sp3s (Luke, KM, icey man) can potentially work, any guaranteed / high crit chance champions will work great. Ghost + hood, Aegon + Heimdall, Starky are the best bets to solo. Wasp / Corvus can do it as well but it will take a couple of revives, Colossus with synergies can also do it.
6.4.1 Iceman (Matador, Stun immunity, Protection Shielding - 3, Heal Block, increased energy damage)
Ghost, Warlock, Aegon (If Ramped) Mephisto, Colossus.
Note: Coldsnap Immune champions work best here, Rogue if you want a long fight i'm certain could work, Mephisto I used on completion it took too many hits like 700+, Nick Fury IF you have him still in first phase can solo quite easily, LMD will purify the coldsnap and then in your 2nd phase you will be dealing a bunch of damage making the fight easy, if you do not have any coldsnap immune, use Nickfury + Ironman synergy, which purifies the coldsnap and making it a easy iceman fight. Corvus works really well for this fight due to matador you will be able to spam tons of sp2. Colossus as well is a tank and works fantastic here, you can build up tons of armor by reparrying.
6.4.2 Thor Ragnarok (Power Reserve, Aspect Of Death, Prove Yourself, Combo Shield, Unblockable Specials)
G2099, Quake, Magik, Magneto, Doctor Doom.
Note: This fight can be soloed by quite a few champions, power control champions will for sure help you a bunch here, or champs that can tank sp3s. G2099 is probably my favorite option as you can completely bypass the "prove yourself at the start" and she has decent power control. Storm PX also works quite nice here, massive special damage.
6.4.3 Darkhawk (Force Of Will, Lion Heart, Power Efficiency, Hurtlocker)
Torch, Quake, Magneto, Medusa, Hyperion.
Note: Since the removal of "raptor upgrades" this fight has become significantly easier, although FOW is there, Medusa and AArkus still work fantastic, his abilities will still trigger but you can heavy spam in the corner with Medusa. Quake works fantastic here, no contact no problem. Mags smacks him up as well. Champs like Stealthy and Nick Fury actually work quite well, use web foam prefight with Stealthy to bypass miss while he is slowed. Hyperion also works quite well. Remember when using Human Torch vs Darkhawk, use his prefight or else you will be in big trouble due to lion heart.
6.4.4 CMM (Close Encounters, Crumbling Armor, Heavy Hitter, Down but not out, enhanced armor break)
Doctor Doom, Mephisto, Longshot, Claire, Maw.
Note: Mystics kill her, that's all you need to know, bring a mystic and you are set. IF you do not bring a mystic, do not worry she is quite an easy fight, just bait sp1 and you are golden, and try to stay close.
6.4.5 Hydra Adaptoid (Force Of Will, Matador, Vigor, Footloose, Limber, Armor break immunity)
She Hulk, Stealthy, Cap IW, Doom, Tigra.
Note: Slow champions work fantastic here you can control the fight easily, Strong nullifiers work fantastic here, Corvus works great, Magneto although there is FOW sp3 will smack him. She Hulk is my favorite option for sure. Tigra's neutralize will completely prevent any of his buffs and she smacks him. Although he is armor break immune, he is not armor shatter immune, so if you want to use medusa bait 3 sp1s then use your sp3 to armor shatter him, he will not gain any power while armor shattered, but his abilities will still trigger due to FOW. I personally do not recommend using Medusa but you got to work with what you have. Claire's buff immunity as well works quite nicely here to prevent all that power flood, unstoppable and evade buffs. MS if ramped can do this fight quite well.
6.4.6 GM (tactics)
Aegon, KM, Doom, Wasp, Cap IW.
Note: Watch a couple guides on him KT1, Seatin, MSD, MCOC NOOB have some really good ones to watch, he is a very skill based fight, champions with easy access to DOT effects are really good here (Colossus parrying, Quake blocking count!) If you go in blind you will end up getting wrecked, so please watch the guides, it is important to learn about the phases (100% - 80%, 79% - 30%, 29% - 1%, 1%) and Tokens of Competence vs Tokens of Blunder and Wounded Phase.
The GM bypasses Evade and Miss, he also has a health pool of 9 million but do not be intimidated.
Phase 1 - 100% - 80% There are 3 challenges, Ban Parry, Ban dexterity, Ban light attacks, after you complete each of these challenges he will instantly gain a sp1 which you need to evade / block / get hit in any given order. Blue Icon = Block the beam, Red Icon = Get hit by the beat, Green Icon = Dex the beam. After the sp1 he becomes wounded for 8 seconds increasing your damage by 150% per each token of competence you have. You gain 1 token of competence charge for each successful intercept you make during the phase. If you ban a tactic then you do that tactic while it is banned you gain 1 token of blunder charge. After 5 tokens of blunder he gains a sp3 and game over, tokens of blunder reset after each phase or fight. Tokens of Competence reset after every wounded phase or fight. If you do not attempt an attack in 10 seconds then you will degenerate until you attempt an attack.
Phase 2 79% - 30% This is the easiest and the longest phase, After 5 successful "challenges" completed the Grandmaster is wounded for 7 seconds, these challenges include, "Perform an Intercept" "Gain a Buff" "Land a critical hit" "Inflict a damage over time effect" and "Whiff an Attack" If you fail to complete a challenge then you gain a token of blunder, after 5 he gains a special 3 and game over. During this phase the special 1 has the same 3 icons to either block/dex/get hit. But It can occur more than once so you can have 2 dexes in one special so you must pay attention. Although this phase may seem long it is by far the easiest. The GM gains power by combat power rate in this phase.
Phase 3 29% - 1% This is the hardest phase due to reverse controls, now you can bring a champion who is immune to reverse controls like Emma frost with Mysterio Synergy, Professor X or Mr Sinister and this phase will be quite easy, or you can practice inverted controls in 6.3.1 or 6.1.6. Champions with a psychic resistance, like magneto, juggs etc, are not immune to reverse controls so do not bring them specifically for that phase. After you complete 5 challenges he will go wounded for 6 seconds, you have normal controls for 25.5 seconds and then are in reverse controls for 8.5 seconds. If you do not feel comfortable with reverse controls then I recommend you spam dash back. Challenges in this phase include "Stand Still" "Strike My Block" "Dash back" βKnock me Downβ and "Perform a perfect block" If you fail a challenge then you gain a Token Of Blunder, after 5 tokens It is game over. The GM has passive power gain in this phase, so he may be stingy with specials.
Phase 4 1% The GM is unstoppable for 18 seconds, after 18 seconds the Grandmaster is permanently wounded and can only be killed by a sp3 which you instantly gain after he is wounded. You can disable this unstoppable for 2.5 seconds if you successfully perform an intercept, if you do not like this method you can spam dash back in the corner.
Overall Act 6 has some challenges but has some fun, I hope you enjoyed it.
- Agent X zzz
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
One question about the Extinction Protocol node: does the increased power gain affect his passive power gain or just the combat power gain? Iβm trying to decide whether or not to make it easier to push to L2 and run the risk of an L3 or keep the gain more manageable.
Stealthy works great for 6.3.5 Mysterio since he is spiderverse, and can disable his helmet whenever needed. Also bypasses miss, so after your first special 2, the fight is a wrap.
Archangel is definitely a top 5 option for 6.4.2 thor rags. I soloed him on my first try with him.
Stealthy also works very well for GM.
G99 works extremely well against 6.1.3 Ghost, since long distance doesn't affect her energy damage. I've easily soloed her and the entire quest every single time with Guilly in my exploration run, but I can understand why you put armor breakers over her. Similarly for 6.1.6 sentinel, but also understandable.
You also seemingly forgot about a top 3 option for 6.1.2 Ultron - Void.
I would also argue that Stealthy is better than Hyperion for 6.4.3 darkhawk.
Must've taken you some time. Will come in handy for many I'm sure πͺπ½
but I Would not consider void better than quake mags or Medusa for that Ultron.
But as for Ultron, I'd understand the argument in favour of those over Void in a way. Just that Void can directly counter all of ultron's abilities, more or less contrary to the others you mentioned (reverses the power gain from spite and essentially disables specials, shuts down the evade with agility debuff).
And to add as well, for the havok and Infinity Man bosses, doc ock works almost too well!
Iβm sure I would find this incredibly helpful if I hadnβt done it all alreadyπ
That Ghost boss is the easiest in all of act 6 bosses IMO.
I would disagree on Void being top 3 for that Ultron, but probably top 7 best. Still, good point.
And no way is stealthy better for that Darkhawk. Noooo way.
Also, nice write up, Agent.
Great post, btw! I will bookmark this!
But in 2nd phase of gm one of the missions is to apply a damage over time effect and he doesn't have any. So you have to fail one mission and get a blunder.
That's why there are better options than him.
I myself took stealthy in my team for gm. He works great.