I did my first path with ghost, stealthy, NF, quake, and sym supreme. I think it was around 4-5k units. That was also when CMM was much much harder and took a ton of revives with SS
Hey man I was tired to wait for Aegon too for the initial completion so I went in with Ghost as my main path clearer. Here are the fights I did with Ghost and the amount of revives I needed for those fights:
Thing, 2 revives Omega Red: 1 revive Ghost: 4 revives Joe Fixit: 5 revives Howard the duck: 4 revives Cyclops: 4 revives
For the rest of the fights I used Corvus, Nick Fury, Human Torch and Symbiote Supreme. The only real PAIN was the collector which I used Corvus for and he was a sink of revives. Note that my Ghost was a 5* R5 sig 200
Here are a couple of videos (full fights) from my run, maybe they'll be helpful
I've been waiting on aegon for ages as well still nothing. I've been considering the sasquatch and sabretooth synergy for my initial run I honestly don't no why too use i have a 6* r2 unduped ghost and I have all other key champs but aegon lol don't really wanna have too take up 3 spots for sabretooth thats gonna limit me too not so good champs for fights which seem doable but more costly.
Can I just take a second to appreciate that my (clearly joking) comment that it would take more than 5 units for ghost vs Aegon got disagreed? So that means that people think ghost would take less units?
Or that they just don’t like my humor.... I’m gonna pretend it’s the first one.
To be honest, it does definitely depend on your skill with ghost, but I do think it would be safe to add a couple of thousand units on then, and that’s assuming you have all of the other main counters in your roster
Edited out my own stupidity and not seeing that the pic was from Champ preview or whatever, rather than roster Instead, I would say wait until after Cyber Monday and see what comes out of that, while grinding as many units and revives as you can.
Just power through this month’s Gamma stuff, and use the generic awakening on him. Completion of Heroic/Master/Uncollected, a few rounds of legendary Raids, and you should be there, or really close to it.
He's looking at Ægon in-game. Not his own Ægon. He doesn't have him as a 5* at all.
I was tired to wait for Aegon too for the initial completion so I went in with Ghost as my main path clearer.
Here are the fights I did with Ghost and the amount of revives I needed for those fights:
Thing, 2 revives
Omega Red: 1 revive
Ghost: 4 revives
Joe Fixit: 5 revives
Howard the duck: 4 revives
Cyclops: 4 revives
For the rest of the fights I used Corvus, Nick Fury, Human Torch and Symbiote Supreme.
The only real PAIN was the collector which I used Corvus for and he was a sink of revives.
Note that my Ghost was a 5* R5 sig 200
Here are a couple of videos (full fights) from my run, maybe they'll be helpful
Or that they just don’t like my humor.... I’m gonna pretend it’s the first one.
To be honest, it does definitely depend on your skill with ghost, but I do think it would be safe to add a couple of thousand units on then, and that’s assuming you have all of the other main counters in your roster
Instead, I would say wait until after Cyber Monday and see what comes out of that, while grinding as many units and revives as you can.