Omega Sentinel gang unite! [MERGED THREADS]



  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    So, um, I’m here now. They killed Morgan.
  • Soyheyor123Soyheyor123 Member Posts: 395 ★★

    So, um, I’m here now. They killed Morgan.

    wise choice
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,510 ★★★★★
    Omega Sentinel FTW, let's go!
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,713 ★★★★
    I wished Kabam released an adaptable Sentinel, that adapts to counter opponents attack for perfect block and returns an attack the opponent is weak against.. just like the advanced sentinel with mystique DNA.. its almost like Claire Voyant but in Sentinel form with regen, unblockable and unstoppable.. it would be the bane of everyone in AW..
  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    psp742 said:

    I wished Kabam released an adaptable Sentinel, that adapts to counter opponents attack for perfect block and returns an attack the opponent is weak against.. just like the advanced sentinel with mystique DNA.. its almost like Claire Voyant but in Sentinel form with regen, unblockable and unstoppable.. it would be the bane of everyone in AW..

    The movie sentinels? No thank you. I’m very well off without those.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★

    Omega Sentinel gets my vote!

    +10 respect
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    I voted for Dazzler in the first round but she didn't make it.
    I voted for OS in this round.
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike

    Can you talk to the design team to ensure that she's made unique if she wins? We already have a nano-bot champ (Punisher 2099) so it would be great if you guys didn't use the same abilities as him or Warlock. If she won, would you guys be open to creating a thread for the sole purpose of having the community submit their ideas and maybe it can help fuel some creative ideas behind her design?
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Hercules 2020
  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 ★★★★
    I wasted my vote on Blue Marvel.....Time to switch sides

    I stan Omega Sentinel!!!!!!!
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,086 ★★★★★

    The movie sentinels? No thank you. I’m very well off without those.
    Or possibly nimrod. Would love nimrod lol.
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  • crossshattercrossshatter Member Posts: 250
    Yes let's goo
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    Not a fan of voting for Omega Sentinel. Why? Its Jumping the shark.

    There's other Sentinel-based champs you could have, that would look bad if you tried to go back to them at a later date. Nimrod, Bastion, etc. But the minute you jump to the top of the food chain? You care very little for the chum at the middle and bottom.

    It's like saying "we've given you Apocalypse! We've given you Silver Surfer! Now be prepared for us to give you........MOCKINGBIRD!!!"

    Kinda deflating, right?
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Fabwizi said:

    Its not Nimrod its omega sentinel, She has no relation with sentinels
    Regardless of whether she has any interaction with Sentinel in the comics, I still suspect there may be a synergy in it for Sentinel.

    Bear in mind this is not one of my main reasons for voting for her, it is just a small personal hope of mine.
  • GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    So I took some time to go back in and research many of Omega Sentinel's abilities and I think that is she was designed well, she could truly be the text top tier champ in the game.

    Design - A female cyborg is great idea, and I feel Omega Sentinel pulls it off much better than Nebula. I can imagine that her blasts and energy projection could be large and flashy similar to Cosmic Ghost Rider.

    Abilities - energy attacks are still not the most common in the game so it would be nice to see a champ who is proficient in using them. Her heavy attacks could involve shape changing (similar to IWIM) and cause either armor break or power drain. In the comics she has self-repair capabilities and a wide array of scanners and sensors. Her awakened ability could provide a "regen" and when sensors are activated, she could be another anti-evade champ. A second option could be something similar in concept to She-Hulk and Dragon Man where she gains a different ability based on the class she is fighting. Overall I am picturing in my mind a combination of Infinity War Iron Man, Falcon (post buff), and Nebula all wrapped up in one beyond god tier champ. And to add to all of this, she could also have a special advantage against mutant champions. Considering the recent power creep to the Mutant class, this would be an interesting addition to her kit as well.

    Synergies - speaking of value, she has the potential to buff some already great champions. Sentinel, Magneto, Xavier, Nebula, Gamora, and a host of other solid champs could be made even better with creative synergies with Omega Sentinel.

    I really hope she gets added. She seems like a champion who would be extremely fun to play, and I think she would make a truly wonderful addition at the top of the tech class alongside the likes of Ghost, Warlock, Guardian, and Stark Spidey.

  • GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    edited November 2020
    Its not Nimrod its omega sentinel, She has no relation with sentinels - Fabwizi

    If memory serves me correctly she was captured and turned into a Prime Sentinel by Bastion as a part of project Zero Tolerance. (X-Men Unlimited #27) So while they are not the exact same, there still seems to be a connection with the mutant hunting robots.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Not a fan of voting for Omega Sentinel. Why? Its Jumping the shark.

    There's other Sentinel-based champs you could have, that would look bad if you tried to go back to them at a later date. Nimrod, Bastion, etc. But the minute you jump to the top of the food chain? You care very little for the chum at the middle and bottom.

    It's like saying "we've given you Apocalypse! We've given you Silver Surfer! Now be prepared for us to give you........MOCKINGBIRD!!!"

    Kinda deflating, right?

    Are you knocking Mockingbird? Really?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,413 Guardian

    Not a fan of voting for Omega Sentinel. Why? Its Jumping the shark.

    There's other Sentinel-based champs you could have, that would look bad if you tried to go back to them at a later date. Nimrod, Bastion, etc. But the minute you jump to the top of the food chain? You care very little for the chum at the middle and bottom.

    It's like saying "we've given you Apocalypse! We've given you Silver Surfer! Now be prepared for us to give you........MOCKINGBIRD!!!"

    Kinda deflating, right?

    This is a weird argument, given that we actually have both Apocalypse and Silver Surfer in the game now. We have those champs now, and the game still spins. If it can handle Apocalypse and Silver Surfer, it can handle Omega Sentinel.
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  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    If she wins I'll make a poster similar to the Notorious BIG and Notorious RBG called Notorious OMG. Vote Omega Setinel.
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  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    I believe one Kabam employee on twitter (forgot who) said kabam has a really unique mechanic idea for every single one of these potential champs.
  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    The point that she is INDIAN is all I need for her to be in the game. It's the only chance we have to get behind this champ and make our community proud. Let's go folks..
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Obviously, you should vote for Omega Sentinel because she's a beast and you definitely shouldn't vote for Herc, because he's a dud (sorry @KDSuperFlash10). To give you guys a reason to vote for the future Queen of Tech, here's what I think that she would look like and how she would work.
    Omega Sentinel
    Class: Tech
    PI: 5/65 Sig200 11,585
    3/45 Sig200 14,745
    Attack: 3,325 (5/65)
    4,209 (3/45)
    Health: 36,045 (5/65)
    48,854 (3/45)
    Crit Rate: 37%
    Crit Damage: 217%
    Armor Rating: 60%
    Block Proficiency: 72%
    Energy Resistance: 20%
    Physical Resistance: 20%
    Crit Resistance: 45%

    Tags: #Hero #Villain #Offensive: Damage Over Time #Utility #X-Men

    Awakened Ability: Adaptive Protocols
    • Whenever Karima defeats a champion, her Adaptive Protocol activates and she gains a new attribute for the remainder of the quest. Adaptive Protocols are passive effects. Karima can have a max of [5] Protocols active at a time—every 50 signature levels, Karima’s Protocols limit increases by 1.
    o Defeats an Evade/Miss Champion: Activates Karima’s True Aim Protocol. While True Aim is active, all projectile attacks and special attacks cannot be evaded or be caused to miss.
    o Defeats an Autoblock Champion: Actives Karima’s Warhammer Protocol. While Warhammer is active, Karima’s attacks ignore Block Resistance against #Defensive champions and she cannot be parry-stunned by an autoblock.
    o Defeats a Mutant: Activates Karima’s Huntress Protocol. While Huntress is active, Karima’s contact hits and special attacks deal a burst of physical damage equal to the damage of the hit. Additionally, these hits cause the defender to have 300% reduced ability accuracy for the duration of the hit.
    o Defeats a #Robot Champion: Activates Karima’s Technopath Protocol. While Technopath protocol is active, Karima steals 5% of #Robots power with every projectile hit and her heavy attacks deal a burst of energy damage equal to 25% of the damage of the attack.
    o Defeats a Mystic Champion: Activates Karima’s Iron Curtain Protocol. While Iron Curtain is active, Karima gains Nullify/Stagger Immunity.

    Protocols: Pre-Fight Ability
    • Before each fight, Karima can select 1 Protocol to activate to aid her in battle.
    o Ironclad Protocol: While Ironclad Protocol is active, Karima starts the fight with 1 Indefinite Armor Up buff that increases her Armor Rating by 2000.
    o Geneva Suggestion Protocol: While Geneva Suggestion is active, Karima inflicts stacking Shock debuffs with her projectile hits that last for 10 seconds and deal 237 damage per tic. Shocked Opponents have -25% Defensive Power Rate.
    o Recovery Protocol: While Recovery is active, Karima will regenerate up to 35% of her total health upon knocking out her opponent. This ability will not trigger if Karima ends the fight with over 35% health and this ability cannot push Karima over 35% health.

    • Always Active:
    o All Day Protocol (Persistent Charge)
     Karima’s All Day Protocol allows her to survive the first hit that would knock her and regain 35% of her total health. Whenever Karima survives a fatal blow through this mechanic, she gains a Persistent Charge that grants her +250 Attack, Health, Armor Rating, and Block Proficiency. Max Persistent Charges: 10.
    o Resistances
     Karima has a 50% resistance to all Bleed, Shock, Poison, and Incinerate damage.

    • Basic Attacks
    o Light Attacks: Projectile Attacks
    o Medium Attacks: Contact Hits
    o Heavy Attacks: 1st hit is a Projectile, 2nd and 3rd hits are Contact
    • Special Attacks
    o During Special Attacks, Karima gains +300% Ability Accuracy if she does not have more than 1 Protocol active (not including All Day).
    o All hits count as Projectile hits and do not take damage back effects.

    Special 1: Weapons Protocol 1
    • Karima hits her opponent with her Electrostatic Poles (6 hits). Each hit has a 30% chance to inflict the opponent with a Shock debuff that lasts for 15 seconds and deals 240 damage per tic. If this attack is activated when the opponent has 4 shocks on them or inflicts 4 shocks, they are combined into a Shock Passive that lasts for 30 seconds and deals 100 damage per tic; while this Shock Passive is active, #Robots suffer from 100% reduced ability accuracy and Mutant champions take 25% more damage from all sources.

    Special 2: Weapons Protocol 89
    • Karima wraps her Plasma Coils around her opponent (3 hits). Plasma Coils are a debuff that lasts for 10 seconds and while it is active, the opponent takes 567 energy damage per second. If Plasma Coils are shrugged off or otherwise removed, the opponent takes a burst of energy damage equal to 5% of their total health.
    Special 3: Weapons Protocol 616
    • Karima unleashes a bombardment of her nano-weapons (20 hits) and inflicts the opponent with a passive Omega Sanction. Omega Sanction lasts for 40 seconds and cannot be stacked. While Omega Sanction is active, Karima steals 5% of the opponent’s power on her medium hits and her light attacks cause the opponent to suffer from -100% defensive ability accuracy. Additionally, Omega Sanction grants Karima +700 Block Penetration.

    • Mutant Hunters: With Sentinel
    o Sentinel: Sentinel’s Sp3 no longer requires an Armor Passive to trigger its Regeneration.
    o Omega Sentinel: While Huntress Protocol is active, Karima’s attacks generate 10% more power.

    • Genosha’s Finest: With Professor X, Magneto, and Magneto (House of X)
    o Professor X: While the opponent is Mind Controlled, gain 25% increased combat power rate.
    o Magneto: Charging a heavy pauses all debuffs when the opponent is Magnetized.
    o Magneto (House of X): Heavy attacks cause the opponent to suffer 100% reduced Defensive Ability Accuracy.
    o Omega Sentinel: While Technopath Protocol is active, Karima steals 5% of the damage from each hit as health.

    • Neither Man nor Machine: With Cable and Punisher 2099
    o Cable: Cable’s Degeneration no longer scales with the opponent’s power rate; it always deals its max damage.
    o Punisher 2099: While Overdrive is active and the opponent is under 1 bar of power, Punisher 2099 passively reduces his opponent's Evade and Auto-Block Ability Accuracy by 100%.
    o Omega Sentinel: While True Aim is active, Karima gains an indefinite passive fury buff that increases her attack by 5% every time her True Aim protocol causes her opponent to fail an Evade or Miss. Max 4
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Moot4Life said:

    dont listen to the guardian, this is awesome as a separate post
    Thanks man! Too bad they got it deleted
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    Thanks man! Too bad they got it deleted
    Imagine one year we the community gets to decide or make the champions kit and synergys
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