Do you think the Gold and Iso availability problem has been fixed? Why/How?

Iso and Gold availability has always been a problem for those who dont grind arena. Incursions has then since been added which offers a decent chunk of gold but resets infrequently which causes it to not be a viable solution to the gold issue imo. The sigil gold quest is not enough. (*I have the sigil)
For someone in my position this lack of gold and iso really is frustrating. I need a good amount of both to be able to progress further. Im am currently uncollected and could do cavalier and variant but due to the fact im missing these resources i cant do important rank ups which prevents me from progressing. Champs i need to rank up r piling up and Catalysts as well. Many people dont even bother leveling up 6* as they take so much gold and iso its not worth it. I find that a problem. With the increased rewards from EQ and Side quests, gold and iso availability has stayed the same for the most part which is why i believe they need a major upgrade.
Imo a solution to the Iso problem would be increasing the amont 5* and 6* give from dupe. These characters shouldnt give the same amount of iso as a 4*. I believe increaseing the t5 iso u get from a dupe to around ~40 could be better.
Im not sure how gold availability can be solved other than just increasing the amount of gold across the board. One solution i have thought about is when u get a progression title u can only get thet titles gold crystals. For example, if you are uncollected you can only get uncollected gold crystals and not reg gold crystals. This would require tiering gold crytsals to each progression title.
PS I know this is coming so ill adress it now. For the ppl who r gunna say just grind arena, you do have a point. But the problem lies where Arena is the only source of gold. I think gold needs to be plentiful enough that you dont have to do secondary game modes if you dont want to. Modes like arena and incursions shouldnt be the main source of gold.
For someone in my position this lack of gold and iso really is frustrating. I need a good amount of both to be able to progress further. Im am currently uncollected and could do cavalier and variant but due to the fact im missing these resources i cant do important rank ups which prevents me from progressing. Champs i need to rank up r piling up and Catalysts as well. Many people dont even bother leveling up 6* as they take so much gold and iso its not worth it. I find that a problem. With the increased rewards from EQ and Side quests, gold and iso availability has stayed the same for the most part which is why i believe they need a major upgrade.
Imo a solution to the Iso problem would be increasing the amont 5* and 6* give from dupe. These characters shouldnt give the same amount of iso as a 4*. I believe increaseing the t5 iso u get from a dupe to around ~40 could be better.
Im not sure how gold availability can be solved other than just increasing the amount of gold across the board. One solution i have thought about is when u get a progression title u can only get thet titles gold crystals. For example, if you are uncollected you can only get uncollected gold crystals and not reg gold crystals. This would require tiering gold crytsals to each progression title.
PS I know this is coming so ill adress it now. For the ppl who r gunna say just grind arena, you do have a point. But the problem lies where Arena is the only source of gold. I think gold needs to be plentiful enough that you dont have to do secondary game modes if you dont want to. Modes like arena and incursions shouldnt be the main source of gold.
Do you think the Gold and Iso availability problem has been fixed? Why/How? 94 votes
Iso issue hasn't
Iso: no
The gold being added to incursions, side quests, and solo objectives is awesome. The iso issues have not changed.
As for iso, they're still fairly scarce imo.
I suppose you reach a point in your roster when you don’t have to rank up a 5* every day because you have most bases covered, I’m past that now so it’s not such a stress on the gold front but ISO really is.
The game is not meant to have instantaneous ranking up of everyone you want to, whenever you want to.
Sometimes you will be short of Gold, then other times it might be something else.
A lot of people might say they are SHORT ON GOOD CHAMPS, but that doesn’t mean they should suddenly be able to be given said good champs to Rankup just because they have an excess of all of Gold/ISO/Cats without any good options to use them all on.
Currently I’m low on T1Alpha (with 25m gold in the bank, and the next chuck of ISO sitting in Stash at maybe 5 days out). But other times I have had about 10-15 Alphas sitting in Stash.
I think ISO is one thing that don’t really ever recall being short on.
No AQ: Lack of t4cc, t2a, t5b etc
No War: Lack of loyalty for boosts
No Arena: Lack of gold, ISO, en maybe units.
No Quest: Lack of titles for progression
Even if you do only very little arena, maybe even just the T1A and T4B arena's. You will not find yourself with a gold shortage.
Incursions is kind of excluded from my list, because it gives a mix of resources that you could already get plenty of in other game modes, and thus does not mean a lack of any resource, just a bonus to excisting ones.
Everything else I seem to always have 0 of
Seriously, I haven’t dropped below 14 mil gold since March
My mini has lots of gold but never has iso. My main has so much iso it expires sometimes(i sell it) and j do arena so lots of gold.
Iso though is another story.
PHC rewards at arena, total absence of iso at quests (t2 and t3 iso at UC and Cav difficulty is at least laughable) and 5*/6* dupes giving basically 4* dupe iso, are making 5* and 6* ranking easy affordable, only for those who whale it on Cavs or live their life at arena.