Epoch shards only taunt my grim statistic.
Yeah I’ve got some good pulls, but I’m thronebreaker and have been cav after about a week from when it was announced and I’ve ZERO 6* from any kind of cav crystal - and I’ve bought a LOT.
Of course I know its RnJeesus to blame, but I feel I’m in an exclusive club here now of never feeling the thrill of getting a 6* jugs.
Am I **** for the sake of ****? Yes.
Is it slightly motivated by seeing Brian Grant opening (probably) his 20th or so cav crystal and getting a 6* - yes.
As I joked about getting juggs, I'm not bothered about who I just want to know I got one because at this rate there will be Thronebreaker crystals giving 7* shards and I'll still be hoping to 'get lucky'
They're are in essence free crystals, if not then they're dirt-cheap cavs.
Ya I’m only mostly interested in 6 stars too, but come on Bro!
Most times I feel bad when people on here get flamed for there post, but sometimes people just shouldn’t post.
Im out