Will 7 stars be added?

Its been quite a while since kabam released 6 stars and this makes me wonder if there will ever be 7 stars
Duping 6 stars only gives iso and sig levels and no shards of any kind so does this mean 7 stars wont be added?
Duping 6 stars only gives iso and sig levels and no shards of any kind so does this mean 7 stars wont be added?
So they might add them as they ever did (with 5*/6* ...).
And even when we can max them out, there has to be a gap 'till they release 7*.
So base 7* will be just like a 6* R4, too.
I think they might move away from star champion progression and maybe move toward something like gear
Edit- what is the point of release of 7 star champs when there are lots of improvement needed in six stars and how much health pool anybody want to smack!If 7 star would be released in future then current abyss will become Labrinyth of legend.
A. Should I quit the game
B. Your over exaggerating
C. He’s amazing stop complaining
They would have to implement something other than an additional star. Maybe raids, but you have to have something for people to strive for.
The next step is 6* R4, and probably end of book 2 to get a 6* R5.
If 7* are announced, I’m out.
Also, seeing 7 stars on the character boarders would look quite weird.
That would extend shelf life, and keep champs relevant longer. A 6/75 5* would be similar to a r3 6*, so that 5*s don’t become extinct in the game once r4 6*s are introduced. Even now it feels dumb to use resources to max out 5*s when we know by this time next year r4 6* will be a thing.
I really don’t want to see all my hard work earning resources be made obsolete. Add longevity to the champs we have and the game itself by keeping them relevant.
when the time is right I'm sure 7* will be added. Until then, 6* are fine