Can i get Cavalier this month with this roster?
So, the annual crystal for cavalier are way better than UC and for that i want to push towards 6.1
Mags, Hyp and Venom are 4/5.
Wasp, Sabre, Dragon, Morningstar and Colossus are 3/5
Guardian and Dormamu 2/5 and the rest 1/5.
I'm planning to put Guardian 3/5 or 4/5 before my attempted.
The only 6 star that i have is a BPCW so don't even include him in the list
Other than that, should be relatively smooth sailing to Cav. Good luck!
Other bosses are fine. 6.1.1 No retreat takes some practice tho. And ideally a heal block champ for sabre
(Hype spam sp1 with despair maybe?)
I soloed him about 80% of the time with this strat.
I did my run with less then what you have
The most difficult fights for me was Sabretooth and Sentinel but the rest was pretty good.
With the rewards i opened my second 6* and a 5*.
I'm sooooo happy with Quake. I wanted her for so long and I finally got it.
Thanks again guys!
I’m extremely late, and you already did it hahaha. Congrats man! Big accomplishment