Honest Review: Underrated or Overrated: DOMINO!!!



  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★

    Etjama said:


    Domino is not a top 10 mutant champ..

    She's top 3. And I stand by that. With Colossus and Magneto. I have her at R3 and she's still one of my favorite champs. There's not many I would have picked over her.

    And aside from her commonly mentioned positive attributes, no one ever mentions she can do 10 hit combos with the Masacre synergy, or a 4 hit combo into a heavy. That has a lot of utility in itself. Build you power meter faster, control which special you want the opponent to use, easily manage Void's debuffs, prove yourself, etc etc.

    Completely false. The thing with what you're saying is is that you're putting a RNG reliant damage dealer with RNG reliant utility over someone who has better burst damage immediately with no RNG involved? Why would you prefer to leave things up to chance. And with the massacre synergy, THAT IS TWO EXTRA SLOTS FOR ONE CHAMPION ON YOUR TEAM. You're telling me you'd also rather use someone who depends on synergies (and still isn't that great with them) versus someone who doesn't like omega red? So, not only are you wrong. You're putting domino over the best mutant champion in this game. And before you hit me with the "I've done more content card", I can pretty well guarantee you I've done more
    Opinion based rankings cannot be categorically false. And you can’t do more than 100%. But ok. I guess you are the self anointed king of mcoc.
    In my opinion, Miles Morales is the best champ in the game. You're telling me that's not "categorically false"? If facts prove an opinion wrong, it's a false opinion.
    That cannot technically be categorized as false, no. It’d just be a foolish one. Unless you’re establishing some baseline of direct comparison. And then there’s still the matter of which factor carries the most significance. Damage, immunities, etc. It’s inconclusive. It’s like trying to say which company makes the best truck. Sure some have a distinct advantage over others, but you can’t say which is best without subjectiveness.

    I get you’re going to extremes to try and prove a point, but that’s an outlandish comparison. Domino is still a top tier champ no matter where you rank here, 3 or 10 or whatever. It’s not like I’m saying DPX is the top mutant.
    Miles has barely any damage, he has no utility, and he's barely usable unless you have a synergy. Saying that he's the top champ is so obviously not true and anyone that truly believes he is the best champ in the game is straight up wrong. There's no way around it.

    There's no way around the fact that Domino is not a top 3 Mutant either cause when you compare her to any of the other top Mutants, she doesn't have nearly as much utility and her damage isn't reliable.
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  • SleipnirrodSleipnirrod Member Posts: 228 ★★

    I haven't used Domino in my teams for almost a year.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Berjibs said:

    She has a lot more utility that you are giving her credit for and her damage is more than reliable enough. I mean when you’re worrying about whether your heavy is gonna hit for 20k or 45k it’s not really a problem problem is it?

    Can you name one single piece of reliable utility other than a Limber counter requiring a synergy? She only has a chance to shrug off bleed, so she's a no-no for bleed nodes, only 2/6 of her hits in a basic combo are non-contact and they're not mediums, so she's a no-no for champs like Electro, or nodes that require you to not touch the opponent, her AAR is only at 15% throughout most of the fight so she's a no-no for anything that AAR would get you around, her getting a bleed at all and the potency of her bleed both rely on RNG, so she's not a viable option for Do You Bleed, and that's it. That's her whole kit.

    She has some utility, yes. But none of it is reliable, so none of it is actually useful or viable.
  • KingOfMcocKingOfMcoc Member Posts: 102
    Etjama said:

    Berjibs said:

    She has a lot more utility that you are giving her credit for and her damage is more than reliable enough. I mean when you’re worrying about whether your heavy is gonna hit for 20k or 45k it’s not really a problem problem is it?

    Can you name one single piece of reliable utility other than a Limber counter requiring a synergy? She only has a chance to shrug off bleed, so she's a no-no for bleed nodes, only 2/6 of her hits in a basic combo are non-contact and they're not mediums, so she's a no-no for champs like Electro, or nodes that require you to not touch the opponent, her AAR is only at 15% throughout most of the fight so she's a no-no for anything that AAR would get you around, her getting a bleed at all and the potency of her bleed both rely on RNG, so she's not a viable option for Do You Bleed, and that's it. That's her whole kit.

    She has some utility, yes. But none of it is reliable, so none of it is actually useful or viable.
    This is exactly correct. She has no reliably utility whatsoever is what I said before, without synergies. And even with synergies, that's still two slots on your team. Who would want to take two slots for a champ that doesn't have any other reliable utility? Not me. That's for certain. If we're factoring synergies in also, we might as well factor omega red with sabre, wolvie plus apoc, aa plus apoc, gambit plus apoc, and cable plus apoc. All of those overall have much more utility and are better than domino, even when she has synergies
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    So, OP.

    How about that free heating eh?

    Told ya
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Etjama said:

    Berjibs said:

    She has a lot more utility that you are giving her credit for and her damage is more than reliable enough. I mean when you’re worrying about whether your heavy is gonna hit for 20k or 45k it’s not really a problem problem is it?

    Can you name one single piece of reliable utility other than a Limber counter requiring a synergy? She only has a chance to shrug off bleed, so she's a no-no for bleed nodes, only 2/6 of her hits in a basic combo are non-contact and they're not mediums, so she's a no-no for champs like Electro, or nodes that require you to not touch the opponent, her AAR is only at 15% throughout most of the fight so she's a no-no for anything that AAR would get you around, her getting a bleed at all and the potency of her bleed both rely on RNG, so she's not a viable option for Do You Bleed, and that's it. That's her whole kit.

    She has some utility, yes. But none of it is reliable, so none of it is actually useful or viable.


    She’s actually a decent electro counter for a start. Try using heavies, she takes very little damage back, often none.

    None of the trinity naturally gain buffs bar dexterity and all have great block proficiency so they are very reliable for buffet, spite, emp mod, no retreat for eg or any other buff punishing nodes.

    Domino does amazing vs spiked armour, bypasses it as far as I can make out.

    All three are great for safeguard type fights where you need an additional damage source, like sinister.

    Her long stuns and AA reduction of 15-50% synergises really nicely with pacify/petrify mastery allowing all sorts of other ability bypassing while getting more hits in than other champs can within normal stun duration. So again much more than you are giving credit for.

    I’m sure there’s loads of other stuff I cant think off the top of my head.

    I’ll say it again her access to such fast, high damage, condensed into so few hits is utility in itself as far as I’m concerned. It gets around so many situations.

    Who else can do as much damage in say the first 10-20 hits of a fight?

  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,620 ★★★★
    I always have a softspot for Domino, as she helped me clear so much content (including Act 6 and Variants). I don't understand the complaint about her abilities being RNG reliant, as with the full flaming trinity she melts enemies 100% of the time. Even in Incursions, just having Domino + Rulk and doing parry + heavy can clear a lot of zones.
    I guess if you are relying on her specials and bleeds for damage, then the RNG can be annoying.

    However, she hasn't had a spot on my questing roster for the longest time now, as I with all the new node combinations, having a rotating mix of champions is essential. For TB event quest, she gets extremely limited due to the nodes, and isn't better than Omega Red or Colossus at handling the mutant focused nodes.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    With the trinity she’s beyond god tier for mid level game, you can kill 30k champs before they get to an l3, that is utility, you can kill 20k champs before they get to an l2, that pure damage is utility because you don’t have to deal with many specials, opponents have to be incineratable and stunnable, even with just massacre I’ve seen a 5* kill ws in under 1 minute, but yeah game design has come to be about utility and defenders and nodes steering away from pure damage, when war and aq are on the trinity is my stomp through eq team, I’m coming up on a r3 mutant 6*, now the tough decision is her or havok, havok is usually in my aw attack team, but she is in my stomp through mid level content team
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  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    I vote either Elsa or BWDO or Sentinel or VTD for your next one. You could make a case for both underrated and overrated for each one
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  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Etjama said:

    Berjibs said:

    She has a lot more utility that you are giving her credit for and her damage is more than reliable enough. I mean when you’re worrying about whether your heavy is gonna hit for 20k or 45k it’s not really a problem problem is it?

    Can you name one single piece of reliable utility other than a Limber counter requiring a synergy? She only has a chance to shrug off bleed, so she's a no-no for bleed nodes, only 2/6 of her hits in a basic combo are non-contact and they're not mediums, so she's a no-no for champs like Electro, or nodes that require you to not touch the opponent, her AAR is only at 15% throughout most of the fight so she's a no-no for anything that AAR would get you around, her getting a bleed at all and the potency of her bleed both rely on RNG, so she's not a viable option for Do You Bleed, and that's it. That's her whole kit.

    She has some utility, yes. But none of it is reliable, so none of it is actually useful or viable.
    I used mine 5/65 for cav electro a few hours ago and lost almost no health, lol. Just spam heavy, it's that simple.
    Most of aar are far from 100%. Domino is good enough, like for magik parry with close to bar of power, and she will most likely not trigger limbo. Where do you even use aar champs except AA? For me it's more annoying to deal with nodes like matador, where you may gain no power with her, i.e. it makes things worse. But never seen lifecycle failing
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Aleor said:

    Etjama said:

    Berjibs said:

    She has a lot more utility that you are giving her credit for and her damage is more than reliable enough. I mean when you’re worrying about whether your heavy is gonna hit for 20k or 45k it’s not really a problem problem is it?

    Can you name one single piece of reliable utility other than a Limber counter requiring a synergy? She only has a chance to shrug off bleed, so she's a no-no for bleed nodes, only 2/6 of her hits in a basic combo are non-contact and they're not mediums, so she's a no-no for champs like Electro, or nodes that require you to not touch the opponent, her AAR is only at 15% throughout most of the fight so she's a no-no for anything that AAR would get you around, her getting a bleed at all and the potency of her bleed both rely on RNG, so she's not a viable option for Do You Bleed, and that's it. That's her whole kit.

    She has some utility, yes. But none of it is reliable, so none of it is actually useful or viable.
    I used mine 5/65 for cav electro a few hours ago and lost almost no health, lol. Just spam heavy, it's that simple.
    Most of aar are far from 100%. Domino is good enough, like for magik parry with close to bar of power, and she will most likely not trigger limbo. Where do you even use aar champs except AA? For me it's more annoying to deal with nodes like matador, where you may gain no power with her, i.e. it makes things worse. But never seen lifecycle failing
    "where do you even use aar champs" mate aar champs are practically useful everywhere, why do you think Quake is the best champion in the game?
  • TheMailmannTheMailmann Member Posts: 120 ★★
    agree with the review. i still use her in my team because i’m so used to her playstyle. i even her as both 6* R2 and 5* R5. but i wouldn’t R3 her. right now i use her mostly for not-too-difficult content like lower map aq, eq or side quests which do not require my focus, i can just medium tap tap tap while watching a movie and she gets the job done. usually would clear uncollected eq with her alone and i dont even have to look at the screen that much
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  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★

    Sit down scrub, Domino gang atw
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    I still love to play with Domino. I have Pacify maxed, so during stuns she has -45% AAR, which is somewhat reliable. She gets opponents down pretty quickly, so that's good enough for me.
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