Don't get too jealous now. Awesome 5* ratio on the Cavs man. Absolutely loving it. That Terrax especially. Gonna help me destroy so much Act 6 content.
Also, another batch of 6 I opened had only 3*s. So my account just became too OP.
Pulled 5* Namor, Havok, Sunspot, Sasquatch and 6* annihilus. It was a good ration of 5* and 6* but not anyone I was looking for(apart from Sasquatch) so can't say I am over the moon but I am decently happy.
I was fully prepared to get 18 3* from the Sexennium Crystals but instead got these :
In fact, the first sexennium crystal gave me Apocalypse, the second White Widow and the fourth one duped her. Was like "eh!?". So all in all, out of the top 5 2020 champions I really wanted, I got 4... just Spider Ham is missing. Incredible luck !
WOOOO 3 out of 18 ain't bad at all, was hoping for at least a 3 Star Version of Professor X but 5 Star Apocalypse was my Dream! Longshot is amazing as well but my last 2 Rank Ups were Mystics so I'm gonna take a break from that.
No luck for me. I opened 10 and 4 of them were 4 star Hit Monkey! I did get a 4 start Spider-Ham, so I guess that was lucky.
After the luck I had on the 1st batch, I decided not to finish the side quest. When I saw that they were giving more shards in calendar, I decided to go ahead and complete it. Glad I did as they decided I really needed Apocalypse (2 4* and 2 5* - much better than 4 4* Hit Monkeys). Oh, and a 6* CGR and 5* Storm PX
Because of that luck (and some Christmas gift cards), I decided to get the Cav Daily Specials with the shards for Tech and Mutant. With those shards, I got a 6* Sasquatch and 4* Immortal Abomination (and another 4* dupe on someone), but I apparently didn't get a screenshot.
But, in the Tech cavalier crystal from the $5 purchase, I awakened my 5* Guardian
And in the mutant cavalier crystal, I finally got a 5* OR
I thought about doing the skill one to see if I could get NF, but figured I better quit while I was ahead. All in all, it was a pretty good week for improving my roster
4* Spiderham & iabomination + bunch of other 3 & 4*s
Ok I guess. No 6*.
6* mole man, well that's life
Can't complain, loved this event
Cyberweekend, John Maluneys, and the new holiday side events. Also not in the picture i duped dormammu who was already duped
So I finaly go my last 8 ๐
I pulled the above three thanks to the Epoch Cav... Super Happy
On the other hand, 6* Mojo, my first 6* from any cavs
Don't get too jealous now. Awesome 5* ratio on the Cavs man. Absolutely loving it. That Terrax especially. Gonna help me destroy so much Act 6 content.
Also, another batch of 6 I opened had only 3*s. So my account just became too OP.
Pretty damn happy about it and got a 5* Dragon man from the last 5 i opened.
Pretty lucky I say, already had 6* Terrax so the 5* one is useless but he's a free 5*. Domino is max level and Spider-Ham will be soon rank 5.
I got CGR and Double Immortal Abom in 5*
In fact, the first sexennium crystal gave me Apocalypse, the second White Widow and the fourth one duped her. Was like "eh!?". So all in all, out of the top 5 2020 champions I really wanted, I got 4...
From 2019 quinquennium cav crystal, pull 6* Man-thing (awaken).
1 5* (Ibom)
4 4*โs
13 3*โs
Dr. Zola
WOOOO 3 out of 18 ain't bad at all, was hoping for at least a 3 Star Version of Professor X but 5 Star Apocalypse was my Dream! Longshot is amazing as well but my last 2 Rank Ups were Mystics so I'm gonna take a break from that.
Because of that luck (and some Christmas gift cards), I decided to get the Cav Daily Specials with the shards for Tech and Mutant. With those shards, I got a 6* Sasquatch and 4* Immortal Abomination (and another 4* dupe on someone), but I apparently didn't get a screenshot.
But, in the Tech cavalier crystal from the $5 purchase, I awakened my 5* Guardian
And in the mutant cavalier crystal, I finally got a 5* OR
I thought about doing the skill one to see if I could get NF, but figured I better quit while I was ahead. All in all, it was a pretty good week for improving my roster