How much did 7.1 Cost You , Who were your MVPs and whats your opinion on it?

Costed me 2 revives for completion and MVP was Doom since he did each boss.
I feel like I enjoyed this more than 6.1
This so far what I played isnt those Hard nodes with only Specific champs needed. Sure sometimes they work better but I enjoyed it as I switched my team for each path and it was do able (6* r2 WS for the win)
And I also like the items u can collect and quit and keep it like the unite I alrdy made like 500 now
PS . Im still cav with no r3s yet. Doom is a r2 6* and rest were r5s used
I feel like I enjoyed this more than 6.1
This so far what I played isnt those Hard nodes with only Specific champs needed. Sure sometimes they work better but I enjoyed it as I switched my team for each path and it was do able (6* r2 WS for the win)
And I also like the items u can collect and quit and keep it like the unite I alrdy made like 500 now
PS . Im still cav with no r3s yet. Doom is a r2 6* and rest were r5s used
7.1 was a completely different game from the rest of the acts IMO. It was actually fun. Very pleasantly surprised by Kabam. If this is what we get from them delaying content to listen to feedback, then I hope this is a sign of what's to come.
Someone needed to say it!
First 4 chapters for me were straightforward—Yondu, Venom Rhulk, Juggs. I used a single L1 on Rhulk because I walked into his Sp1 with Fury, and played badly on 7.1.4 Mordo path (Torch revive) and burnt another couple against Thing with R4 Sunspot. But pretty much just user error and rushing.
7.1.5 with Angela boss was my worst path by far—I struggled to get my rhythm in the fight with her. But by that time I wasn’t restarting. Used a handful of L1s (4-ish) plus heal pots. That’s a fight I need to study counters for next time.
7.1.6 SpiderGwen boss was actually pretty easy. Path was revive free. Boss was a single revive—largely because of canine interference and my phone dying mid-fight.
Not perfect by far. I didn’t really study the paths it watch a ton of videos—I just picked a team I thought might work and jumped in. And the highest rank champ I used was a R2 Havok.
Dr. Zola