"Dedicated Player's" request

Devs... can you please ensure you have stable servers that can handle the load of your so called desire for "dedicated players" for the special arenas? This is getting beyond frustrating!
I also know this happens from time to time and MCOC isn't the only game it happens to. Kabam doesn't run the servers. When the game does down, they have little control if any over it. They work with the host to get the game running but thats about it.
A better gamble is that there is a runtime error in the latest build and they are trying to resolve it or rollback.
If it is a Google cloud server that supports the game, does any account information collected by the game get shared with Google?
Just curious. I confess an ignorance about many of these things. But I’m always curious about how F2P games use info they collect.
Dr. Zola
It is a common misunderstanding that the game runs on "servers" in any discrete sort of sense. They don't. Given what we know about the architecture of the game, there are some dedicated servers that serve certain functions, stuff related to Unity platform processing, say, and there are probably (as is usual with massively multiplayer games like this) "instance servers" that handle certain game loads that spin up and shut down depending on the current game load, and then on top of that there are probably many game functions that are processed within Google's cloud - we know this (or at least I'm pretty sure of this) because of Google cloud dependencies that have come up in the past, along with other information about how the game works I may have looked at from time to time. All these things have to work together for the game to function correctly.
Game crashes or other problems aren't just an issue with an "unstable server" they tend to be more complex problems with the system as a whole, and the system as a whole isn't something that can always be tested outside of the live production environment. Certainly, Kabam could do much better with maintaining a stable game environment: the complexity of the problem is not an excuse for things going wrong. But a large part of the problem is organic development.
Games like this, much like enterprise systems of similar size and complexity, are often incrementally improved upon over time, "organically grown" as it were, and as they get larger, they get less predictable and less trivial to fully understand. At some point no one person understands the system holistically, and everyone is relying upon changes they make here to not affect the rest of the game over there. Which *usually* is true, but the 1% of the time this is false there's no way to see the problem to prevent it, and often the solution is non-trivial because the problem sits under a large weight of other game improvements above it. In other words, sometimes a bug is hard to fix because the rest of the system has been written to rely upon the bug.
But to specifically address the comment, it is possible for the game to be dead while all of its components are still happily humming along. "Stability" is not always, and maybe not even usually, the source of game problems that *look* to the players like stability issues.
In other words, hypothetically speaking Google's servers might "know" that player D10089205531 aka "DNA3000" spends too much time in the arenas, but that information stays within the Google Play servers as part of game processing, and no one outside of the servers actually doing the work at Google knows this: that information isn't stored at Google somewhere that anyone at Google could look at.