Is it just me or has the AI been preeety weird

Idk it might just be me but I find that it's more often now that the AI will just stand still or hold block for 15 seconds and then when I'd try to hit their block or when I let go of my block to dash into them they'd just either use their specials or hit me. It might just be me but let me know what you guys think. Also, for me, when I'd block for the parry the AI would just stop moving and this would go on until I either intercept them or they intercept me. Thanks everyone!
They would just hold block and not attack. Usually you go in and hit into the block to wake them didn’t work. I would have to do that several times before they decided they wanted to fight.
At least this is my experience.... it seems to be aggressive enough to counter etc... but passive enough to where you aren't constantly blocking and dexing.