So it's total BS that Mephisto not only stops Ice Armor at the start of fight...

But stops it from reforming too. This is clearly a bug as the reform timer should automatically kick in any time ice armor is not active...
Ice armour is a buff on a timer
When you were to fate seal iceman right before he was about to get his ice armour it would remove the timer and iceman would not be able to reform it unless you use the l3
This also happens with mordo’s power gain
Mephisto’s soul inprisonment is a form of fate seal I guess you could say therefore is able to stop iceman from reforming his iceman unless the iceman uses his l3
Yup and bc of that i wont be able to 100% master mode leaving mephisto the only mission not 100%
It's not impossible without him.
Using soul boosts has made this event quite easy (mostly fierce soul boost for me and spectre when I remember to throw it on for mephisto). You should be able to out heal 1 incinerate buff maybe two but I just back away when I see them stack anyways.
Bleed champs work best for me I suggest fillimg your team with them.
Why does it matter if he has his ice armor up or not? Against Mephisto?
But when you use ghost rider's sp1, that fate seal won't remove the timer
The idea is that you don't need to power control mephisto's t3 with ice armor active.
Is there all or nothing in master mode?
I used Thor with the spectre soul boost.
He didn't regen and Thor smashed him to pieces.
Overall this is an easy monthly event quest
Sig level only helps her reduce block damage, and there really isn't much of a difference between sig 99 and sig 50 with her
Yeah I used SL, Magik, GP... anyone can beat him, not just iceman.
If you are saying u can only beat him with iceman then your not ready. I dropped him with my 4* hulk. Who just hits harder and harder as his health drops
Iceman isn’t the only answer by a long shot.
Dr. Zola
R5 hulk?
I have no problem reaching him with full health