Guillotine 2099 uses?

Pulled a 6* G2099 a week ago and immediately started using her for UC and Cavalier EQ questing. But I didn't find her interesting to use. Finishing the fights with sp3 is difficult sometimes and without 100 combo at the start, the ramp up sucks. Where can I use her other than RoL or LoL?
Yeah the combo meter mechanic is a bit annoying to work with since she can’t carry over her combo as easily as Aegon but overall I think she’s less ramp upish than Guardian since he needs multiple sp3s before an sp2? Correct me if im wrong on this
She's an all-rounder, bruv. Just play around with her and figure out how best you like to play her. She isn't complicated and can handle so many problems, and is a game changer.
The first fight building up to 100 hits is perfectly fine - it's not like she hits with pillow hands when she is sub 100 hits. And, you don't have to build up to a 100 hits in the first fight - you could fight, lose your combo, have only 5 hits on your combo meter and then use the SP3 to start the next fight at 100 combo.
When questing, you could:
1. Use her for two fights only - one fight to store 100 combo, and then just against the boss
2. Use her the entire path.
If you use her the first way, you only have to worry about saving your combo once (ending the fight with SP3). Then against the boss, you can nuke down almost every boss with sheer damage, and spam SP1 to control their power.
Sometimes the nodes make her a pain but you’ll learn where she works well and vice versa.
Spam heavy to reach sp3 quickly or use warlock synergy if using suicides and you start with nearly one power bar.