A 5 Star Game

Lester822Lester822 Member Posts: 16
With The New 5 Star Charters and The New System For Adding Them. It Is Quite Clear That This Is Becoming A 5 Star Game. With This In Mind I Feel That The Alliance and Solo Events Need To Be Changed To Encourage Use Of 5 Stars. Right Now Whether I Use A 4* Or A 5* In Hero Use It Is The Same. This Especial Needs To Be Changed For Duels. By The Time You Get A Five Star You Have The Stuff To Rank It Up And So Usually You Can't Find A Super Easy, 2 Hit Kill Fight Making Duels Harder. With That I Feel That An Increase In Rewards Is Due.


  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Lester822 wrote: »
    By The Time You Get A Five Star You Have The Stuff To Rank It Up

    Rank it up to which rank?

  • Lester822Lester822 Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2017
    Any Rank, Normally At Least Rank 2. But Even Rank 1 is Harder Than R1 L1 4*
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    My first five star pull was quite a while ago. That was a Colossus. So what you are saying is I should use all my resources to rank him up and use him for every event? So by your logic Kabam should further increase the difficulty of AQ/AW to a point whereby it is only possible to use five star characters? What good would my Colossus do in these events if Kabam is to do so?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Lester822 wrote: »
    With The New 5 Star Charters and The New System For Adding Them. It Is Quite Clear That This Is Becoming A 5 Star Game. With This In Mind I Feel That The Alliance and Solo Events Need To Be Changed To Encourage Use Of 5 Stars. Right Now Whether I Use A 4* Or A 5* In Hero Use It Is The Same. This Especial Needs To Be Changed For Duels. By The Time You Get A Five Star You Have The Stuff To Rank It Up And So Usually You Can't Find A Super Easy, 2 Hit Kill Fight Making Duels Harder. With That I Feel That An Increase In Rewards Is Due.

    I'm not sure I follow this. You're saying that this game is now becoming a 5* game. But it doesn't encourage 5* usage enough? Doesn't that mean it is *not* a 5* game?

    You're also saying that it is easy to rank up 5* champs, but it is hard to find easy duels for 5* champs? So because it is hard to find easy duels for 5* champions you want the rewards for duels increased for using 5* champs?

    This seems to be a very odd set of statements to make about the state of the game.
  • Lester822Lester822 Member Posts: 16
    All I'm Saying Is That You Should Be Encouraged To Use 5 Stars Over 4 Stars and Fight 5 Stars Over 4 Stars In Duels. And When I Say 5 Star Game I Mean The Amount Of 5 Stars.
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    edited May 2017
    What if my 5 stars are just a Colossus and Iron Patriot. You want Kabam to make the game in such a way whereby I would have to use these 2 instead of my max level max sig 4 stars Voodoo and Starlord?
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    OP, you made my eyes bleed by capitalizing every word...

    As for the content, I agree, I'd like to see a bump in points for using or facing 5 stars in events.
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    OP is right, it's the natural progression of the game, I'm sure lots of people saw it coming and see what this means. The next big thing will probably be the more availability of the rank up materials but they need to squeeze as much profit as they can before they do that.

    And I agree, right now in a lot of events, you get the same amount of points whether or not you use a 4* or 5*. Those amounts should be distinguished more.
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  • KML15KML15 Member Posts: 139
    This should of been clear after Challenger rating was added in 12.0
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    Wolfe wrote: »
    What if my 5 stars are just a Colossus and Iron Patriot. You want Kabam to make the game in such a way whereby I would have to use these 2 instead of my max level max sig 4 stars Voodoo and Starlord?

    Wolfe, I think what OP is getting at is the events like Duel Skirmish, Class Specialist, Hero Use, etc. should have their point systems re-examined in a way that will award more points for using or dueling a 5* champion, and that rewards should also be similarly tweaked so that people can earn 5*s faster now that this game is quickly moving in that direction.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Jarvis9000 wrote: »
    Just my 2 cents but 5 stars do give an adavantage over 4 stars with challenger rating . It is very noticeable if you play tier 1 AW. Best example 5 star Magik gets limbo way more if you are a 4 star vs using a 5 star. You can definitely tell a difference using 5 stars especially at rank 4. I have pretty much abandoned 4 stars except a few for utility.

    This isn't true... a r3 5* and r5 4* have the exact same challenger rating. A r4 5* only has a CR 10 higher than a r3 5* or r5 4* so it has very little impact.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Lester822 wrote: »
    All I'm Saying Is That You Should Be Encouraged To Use 5 Stars Over 4 Stars and Fight 5 Stars Over 4 Stars In Duels. And When I Say 5 Star Game I Mean The Amount Of 5 Stars.

    All I'm Saying Is Why Should Kabam Do That When It Is Not Necessary.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Jarvis9000 wrote: »
    Just my 2 cents but 5 stars do give an adavantage over 4 stars with challenger rating . It is very noticeable if you play tier 1 AW. Best example 5 star Magik gets limbo way more if you are a 4 star vs using a 5 star. You can definitely tell a difference using 5 stars especially at rank 4. I have pretty much abandoned 4 stars except a few for utility.

    If you can prove that assertion, you should report it as a bug. Not only should that not happen, I can see no way for that to happen given what Challenger Rating does. Challenger Rating is just a number that gets plugged into the Diminishing Returns equation. If you believe CR can affect Magik's limbo probability, you should believe it is possible for any stat to affect it as well. You should be wondering if critical resistance isn't affecting Limbo, or armor rating. You should wonder if the literal number of stars on a champion's portrait affect Limbo.

    Once you believe Challenger Rating is affecting this, literally anything is possible. Because while it is not impossible, this could only happen if you believe Kabam explicitly put special case code into the game to specifically take a number intended for some other use and crafted special logic around it to cause that number to affect only certain game situations in a very specific way. If you believe they are willing to do that and not tell us, then anything is possible. They could literally write code that looked up the reference pointer for the portrait of the champion you're using, determine the number of stars in the portrait by metadata, and calculate a chance offset for Limbo based on that number. That's not significantly more difficult than repurposing challenger rating for this effect.
  • Lester822Lester822 Member Posts: 16
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Jarvis9000 wrote: »
    Just my 2 cents but 5 stars do give an adavantage over 4 stars with challenger rating . It is very noticeable if you play tier 1 AW. Best example 5 star Magik gets limbo way more if you are a 4 star vs using a 5 star. You can definitely tell a difference using 5 stars especially at rank 4. I have pretty much abandoned 4 stars except a few for utility.

    If you can prove that assertion, you should report it as a bug. Not only should that not happen, I can see no way for that to happen given what Challenger Rating does. Challenger Rating is just a number that gets plugged into the Diminishing Returns equation. If you believe CR can affect Magik's limbo probability, you should believe it is possible for any stat to affect it as well. You should be wondering if critical resistance isn't affecting Limbo, or armor rating. You should wonder if the literal number of stars on a champion's portrait affect Limbo.

    Once you believe Challenger Rating is affecting this, literally anything is possible. Because while it is not impossible, this could only happen if you believe Kabam explicitly put special case code into the game to specifically take a number intended for some other use and crafted special logic around it to cause that number to affect only certain game situations in a very specific way. If you believe they are willing to do that and not tell us, then anything is possible. They could literally write code that looked up the reference pointer for the portrait of the champion you're using, determine the number of stars in the portrait by metadata, and calculate a chance offset for Limbo based on that number. That's not significantly more difficult than repurposing challenger rating for this effect.

    True That ^
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