Should I restart or keep going?

This is where I’m at Variant 2. Why Variant 2? It’s the only variant that I can reliably use a 4* quake to cheese. I have no units and no revives, but I don’t feel like restarting. If you think I should kept pushing, who should I use to take the last 40% down? I’m thinking parry once with CMM, get to SP2, and then launch a SP1 right before the stun timer. Since she’s awakened she gets indestructible, and won’t take damage from the glancing on the SP2. The only thing that trips me up with quake is that I can’t always be charging a heavy when the stun timer ends, and when I get stunned, it’s basically done. Opinions are much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
But really, BWDO and Ronin are great options. But saving for NIck, Aegon etc... isn't a bad idea either.
Id consider this guy to rank 6.