Anyone have a good apocalypse counter???

Mr_BentlyMr_Bently Member Posts: 26
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Dude is extremely op as the final AQ boss. You can’t block you cant dodge his specials. How in the world am I supposed to take him down???!!!!
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,687 ★★★★★
    Guilly 2099 and Warlock are both extremely effective counters against him, able to get solos. I imagine Sentinel would be pretty good too
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    OG Vision and Ultron are good options 😉
  • Mr_BentlyMr_Bently Member Posts: 26
    Appreciate you guys
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    @DorkLessons has a really good video showing how to take him down with tigra. Looks like it takes some time to learn but she seems like a great option.
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  • TheLegionMasterTheLegionMaster Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    His SP1 and SP2 are really easy to dodge once you get the hang of it. Just practice!
  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    Nuke and Duke with Corvus has been my strategy. Probably gonna have to find a new solution when AW comes back and I turn off suicides
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    I’ve done well with a ramped up Cap Marvel Movie

    Check out the vid in this thread
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,692 ★★★★★
    G2099 and ghost
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,187 ★★★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    High sig (although sig not necessary if you're skilled enough) Guardian is a fantastic option! That sick block prof paired with his insane energy resistance makes sure you're taking barely any damage from apocalypse's specials. If you practice enough, you can parry the beams for the perfect block. He easily outdamages vigor as well. Depending on the mod, it seems it's smarter to use SP 3's for the force field charges and throwing a meaty SP 2 for the finish, compared to alternating between SP 1 and 2 which temporarily removes his armor buff and the resistances.

    Thanks! You just helped me decide my next rankup.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    High sig (although sig not necessary if you're skilled enough) Guardian is a fantastic option! That sick block prof paired with his insane energy resistance makes sure you're taking barely any damage from apocalypse's specials. If you practice enough, you can parry the beams for the perfect block. He easily outdamages vigor as well. Depending on the mod, it seems it's smarter to use SP 3's for the force field charges and throwing a meaty SP 2 for the finish, compared to alternating between SP 1 and 2 which temporarily removes his armor buff and the resistances.

    To add, I've found that you can actually alternate between SP 1 and 2. By the time you want to throw the SP 2 and you feel it might not kill apocalypse, you can counter apocalypse heavy with yours for the temporary armor buff, and then throw the special. The temporary armor will be consumed instead of the permanent armor, and you can safely follow the other steps I stated continually.

    This is also a strategy for countering Havok.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Kill_Grey said:

    High sig (although sig not necessary if you're skilled enough) Guardian is a fantastic option! That sick block prof paired with his insane energy resistance makes sure you're taking barely any damage from apocalypse's specials. If you practice enough, you can parry the beams for the perfect block. He easily outdamages vigor as well. Depending on the mod, it seems it's smarter to use SP 3's for the force field charges and throwing a meaty SP 2 for the finish, compared to alternating between SP 1 and 2 which temporarily removes his armor buff and the resistances.

    Thanks! You just helped me decide my next rankup.
    Awesome, bro! Hope you got awakening gem and a good amount of sigs 😌
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Another awesome option is sorcerer supreme...I use her for map 6 apoc...she can’t get the solo in 3 minutes cuz both she and apoc have long specials but her regen on block and sp1 nullify come in extremely handy in the fight as u can block his entire special and regen back all the health and can nullify vigor regen with her sp1
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,440 ★★★★★
    Tigra, you can avoid the last few hits of the sp1.
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    I've seen this awesome video.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Punisher 2099 is an insane Apocalypse counter cuz of the -90% power rate reduction.
    this thread is really helpful, merry xmas to all of you
  • edited December 2020
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  • MAD1MAD1 Member Posts: 21
    Tigra destoys him if you know how to play her,
    Look up digity Dave's takedown of apocalypse with her and there is another youtube video called how to play tigra like a god find that too.
  • Barani7daBarani7da Member Posts: 684 ★★
    edited December 2020
    If u take tigra she can help to miss the sp's.
    While his range sp attacks u charge a heavy while the range attack is going to hit you,she can make miss the range attack,
    You can see dork lesson YouTube channel he showed in some of the videos the miss of range sp's attack
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  • Burrito2525Burrito2525 Member Posts: 523 ★★★
    Just tried put guardian and he was pretty awesome. I just parry’d his sp projectiles.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    I’m gonna throw voodoo in as an option. Lock even combo sp2 on him to powerburn then poison him. Also like HB.

    His sp1 is not too bad to evade it’s just a really weird, early timing like an even more “off” korg or punisher dex.
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Corvus is also a good option. Use up all the charges and then quit. I couldn't solo though.
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