Worst and Poorly Designed White Magneto mini boss nodes on AQ Map 7

Can't understand who has thought of designing such nodes on white Magneto, It's total BS and can't even get pass him without using any items on revives and potions and we yet to clear the section 3 of Map 7 plus Apocalypse Boss.
Plus on top of Epic Modifiers in map 7 like parry curse or cascading failure makes it even more impossible to clear it forget soloing it.
My alliance almost tried all the options on 2nd mini boss, but all in vain..slow debuff champions doesn't work Bcoz of mighty charge node, plus true strikes take away QUAKERS, also true strike effects the block proficiency of capIW AND RG, sorcerer supreme also struggled due to power struggle node as she can't use her special attacks effectively....
This 2nd White Magneto is even worse than the Main Apocalypse Boss WITH HUGE HP and ATTACK..
Map 7 players who run epic Modifiers all 5 days are struggling like anything on day 1 with this 16k Attack...total BS..
I do not want to fight white Magneto with such few counters and a million timeouts when I'm a grown man with a job. Kabam needs to remove true strike so at least we can bring in a quake or tone down mighty charge or remove power snack. I'm all for a challenge but to have to fight him 5 days in a row, mind you this only day 1 is ridiculous.
Lemme use this opportunity called out some guys. Where are those that kept complaining Act 7 and V6 was easy. When players get a breather from fighting crazy node combinations you just hate it. A content that gives almost everyone the opportunity to explore, and you just can’t stand it 😡 why does it has to be everyone cos you like to blow your arena units to explore.
You can’t afford to look at the bigger picture, the journey/travel since Act 1, how it’s okay to have to have some contents difficult, others medium difficulty and others easy.
Kabam can definitely make life not enjoyable.
Oh, if you have anyone in you ally that also complained about Act 7 and V6, assign them those 2 minis and solo them all 5days or they out. Give them the challenge they want.
Honestly a bit surprised at your reaction as I expected you to enjoy countering new challenges as well based on the skill level you play at. This initial reaction is almost exactly the same as when Apoc boss was first released and now we have people solo’ing him on day 5.
All that just to say that while you may or may not agree with what he says, in this particular case we're not dealing with an example of someone simply talking the talk without walking the walk.
With that said, White Magneto does strike me as overtuned when compared to the mini bosses on the other two days. The other minis can be solo'd with a variety of champs. The options for one-shotting White Magneto are extremely limited. I too am all for a challenge, but this one seems a bit much.
So I would like to give solutions and not just complain. I would say to drop powersnack or true strike and then we can have a playing field that most players can work with. Magneto will still not be a solo fight even if you move powersnack but it won't take 20 Corvus timeouts to finish the fight. @Kabam we would like to hear your thoughts. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit