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Best R5 option

Dukerox06Dukerox06 Posts: 37
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips

So I am getting close to being able to take one of my 5* champs to rank 5. Just not sure who my best option is. Void, caiw, red mags, sorcerer supreme, sentinel or other? Who should I focus first, then 2nd?


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    QuartzBerryQuartzBerry Posts: 64
    what sig levels are void and caiw?
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    Dukerox06Dukerox06 Posts: 37
    Caiw is 67 and void is 73
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    QuartzBerryQuartzBerry Posts: 64
    I would take magneto and void up, probably magneto first.
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    EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★

    I would take magneto and void up, probably magneto first.

    What this manz said.
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    The_beast123The_beast123 Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Magneto would be the better choice in the long run. Get the awakened ability soon bruh!
    Probably the content stuff could alter your immediate needs?
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    fchskmfchskm Posts: 166
    edited December 2020
    I would go with Red mags or Colossus. CapIW is really good too, but he needs a bit more than 67 sig to really be useful in things like diss track.
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    Hector_1475Hector_1475 Posts: 1,792 ★★★★★
    Colossus and Sentinel are excellent choices for first R5, since they can be used on a huge area of content. Magneto can follow, and then your 2 Science champs (I would prioritize Void over CapIW, until he is max sig).
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    Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Posts: 4,139 ★★★★★
    Take magneto up. If cap would have been max sig then it would have been him.
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    Dukerox06Dukerox06 Posts: 37
    Thanks for all the advice everyone, I appreciate it.
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    Will3808Will3808 Posts: 3,568 ★★★★★
    You should take mags to r5
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    void sentinel or magneto
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    HassamaMamaHassamaMama Posts: 120
    I'd go Magneto or Colossus - I'm a bigger fan of Magneto but no one can deny the value of Colossus. Cap and Void are just far too reliant on the high/max sig so I wouldn't worry about them just yet. I would say Cap before Void though.
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    EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020

    I'd go Magneto or Colossus - I'm a bigger fan of Magneto but no one can deny the value of Colossus. Cap and Void are just far too reliant on the high/max sig so I wouldn't worry about them just yet. I would say Cap before Void though.

    Void is definitely not reliant on max sig. It's nice, but he's a beast at sig 1 and I'd rank him up far before a Colossus or a CAIW that's below sig 200. (I'd actually choose Void if I was to choose between a sig 200 version of either champ, but that's besides the point.)
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    IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Posts: 1,271 ★★★★
    I was just going to say the same. I've had void r4 sig 60-90 for an eternity. Decided to bite the bullet about a year ago and r5 him. Since then he has seen a ton of use and is now sig200, never regretted it once.

    Void is all about the long play and using him a lot at low sig helps you practice for longer uptime on 2 fear of the voids when you get him higher sig.

    Also he has a lot of uses in act 7, I love him.
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