My 6 star pull

rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Hello, guys, I saved 50k 6 star shards and opened them on Xmas day, I only expectation I have is to hopefullly got new champ and no cosmic, then I got dupe Joe fixit, dupe night crawler, Ms Marvel, Gamora, and VTD. And the 2 pull before that is Terrax and Iron patriot, then I opened a featured 6 star after initia completion of Act 6 and got ihulk. I don’t really want this to be a complain post, but I would like others opinion how bad or good my 6 star pull is, and which champ can be considered for r3 candidate (i only see CMM here) and whether I should focus on 6 star featured or basic crystal? My 6 star roster is in the picture attached, the dupe of CMM is from a 6 star nexus that I spend 18k units to get on July 4th, Tigra is pulled from epoch shards this month

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,003 ★★★★★
    iHulk is in the top 6 champs you can get out of the featured. He has crazy damage
  • Skygod69Skygod69 Member Posts: 10
    The Terrax buff might be good, therefore he is a potential candidate too
  • jaysavagejaysavage Member Posts: 348 ★★
    That is a pretty bad roster not gonna lie. Hopefully the good pulls are going to roll in. CMM, VTD, mysterio and proxima are good/ok. Yellowjacket and terrax are getting buffed. Angela and Gamora I personally like. This is all my opinion it's fine if you disagree.
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    edited December 2020
    Thanks, the only 6 star I have used so far outside of CMM is Angela in cav eq cosmic chapter, I am running suicide most of the time, it’s also sad non of my 6 stars are double immune. I will try to learn Tigra and mysterio, I am just not sure whether to go for featured or basic 6 star crystal in the future, I really need more r3 candidates.
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  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    0din said:

    Rivet, everyone’s luck turns in the end, so you are probably at the beginning of a lucky streak!

    Because you said that his next three pulls are going to be Karnak, Karnak, and slowroll over Doom to Karnak. NEVER say 'you're going to be lucky soon', that's the fastest death to good luck imaginable.
  • Professorpro_789Professorpro_789 Member Posts: 38
    Bro u are forgeting venom pool he is the best
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  • laxthelaxthe Member Posts: 59
    that nightcrawler is a solid r3 candidate he has insane dmg with no effort
  • TheMailmannTheMailmann Member Posts: 120 ★★
    i’m gonna take my Mysterio to R3 when i get more T5CC shards, he’s one of my favorites. check out jason voorhees channel on how to use mysterio, it’s really easy to learn. when you have figured out his abilities, he’s so much fun to play with and you can play him in so many ways. his damage output can be insane after SP3
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256

    Bro u are forgeting venom pool he is the best

    If only it is Venom + deadpool, I could have used DPX a lot with Nick Fury synergy
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  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,003 ★★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    @rivet Lot of trash but i would r3 ihulk cause he's a do or die champ. But its mainly cause he's worth r3 for thronebreaker and fun to mess around with. If you get cosmic t5cc, cmm. If you get mystic, tigra. If you get science,buffed yellowjacket or ihulk for sure

    Finally, someone who gets it. iHulk is totally worth it.
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  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,003 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    Faseeh said:

    @Crcrcrc I thought he was meh but saw a lot of videos of him from a youtube channel and he can really hit hard. he's good for progressing players. His downside is aw fights are bad for him

    He isn’t good for most fights, but when he is, it’s crazy. I’m glad people are starting to see his worth. He will be especially good for act 7 and beyond with the new champion switcher before the boss. You can bring him in to nuke the boss right at the end.
  • TimmytdtTimmytdt Member Posts: 564 ★★
    edited December 2020
    Crcrcrc said:

    Faseeh said:

    @Crcrcrc I thought he was meh but saw a lot of videos of him from a youtube channel and he can really hit hard. he's good for progressing players. His downside is aw fights are bad for him

    He isn’t good for most fights, but when he is, it’s crazy.
    Hmmmmm, ihulk not bad actually. When you understand that he kills himself so he can come back again and so that others won’t kill him permanently, you become kinda great with him, it’s like a cycle of death and life tbh, just you gotta kill yourself before they kill you. Isn’t that right @Crcrcrc ?
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,003 ★★★★★
    Timmytdt said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    Faseeh said:

    @Crcrcrc I thought he was meh but saw a lot of videos of him from a youtube channel and he can really hit hard. he's good for progressing players. His downside is aw fights are bad for him

    He isn’t good for most fights, but when he is, it’s crazy.
    Hmmmmm, ihulk not bad actually. When you understand that he kills himself so he can come back again and so that others won’t kill him permanently, you become kinda great with him, it’s like a cycle of death and life tbh, just you gotta kill yourself before they kill you. Isn’t that right @Crcrcrc ?
    Yeah, you want to end each fight when Immortality expires and he lives forever.
  • TimmytdtTimmytdt Member Posts: 564 ★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    Timmytdt said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    Faseeh said:

    @Crcrcrc I thought he was meh but saw a lot of videos of him from a youtube channel and he can really hit hard. he's good for progressing players. His downside is aw fights are bad for him

    He isn’t good for most fights, but when he is, it’s crazy.
    Hmmmmm, ihulk not bad actually. When you understand that he kills himself so he can come back again and so that others won’t kill him permanently, you become kinda great with him, it’s like a cycle of death and life tbh, just you gotta kill yourself before they kill you. Isn’t that right @Crcrcrc ?
    Yeah, you want to end each fight when Immortality expires and he lives forever.
    See, nit that hard to grasp right?
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    edited January 2021
    just finished 7.1 exploration, here is my sweet 6 star nexus reward, and my cosmic t5cc situation... really don’t know who to choose, need some help here quick

  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    edited January 2021
    Chose Antman in the end, don’t know what to do next, I am praying rng to give me that 1% cosmic t5cc frag, but knowing my luck, that I haven’t pulled any cosmic frag from all sources for months...
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