Shortage of t4cc ?

Anyone else feel theres a shortage in t4cc?.
I recently became thronebreaker with r3 doom. I got x4 t2a and x2 t5b in stash near expire. I can r3 my 6* havok to claim it but lack t4 mutants. I can r2 my dragon man and also claim but lack the t4 mystic cause i ranked doom.
Anyone else feel like this?
I recently became thronebreaker with r3 doom. I got x4 t2a and x2 t5b in stash near expire. I can r3 my 6* havok to claim it but lack t4 mutants. I can r2 my dragon man and also claim but lack the t4 mystic cause i ranked doom.
Anyone else feel like this?
But since I am only in a 240m aq alliance I don`t think I`ll quickly get an overflow in t2a and t5b
Between the 2 r1- r3s it’s 30 mutant t4cc. We need a way to trade in t4cc crystals for selectors or something like that
There are so many ways getting T4CC, such as monthly quests, TB daily crystals, AQ awards, glory store, AQ crystals, and even GGC. I did experience a shortage of T4CC when I ranked up my 6*Corvus and Venom at the same time. But they came back really quickly afterwards....
The strategy is: since you’re already TB, please try not to “waste” your resources (e.g. T4CC, T2a) on your 5*champs. You could use Rank up gems instead (they can be easily collected from Variants contents).
Leave majority of your resources for 6*Champs
I think I have 4 or 5 6* champs at level 1 because I'll never use them outside of arena.