Game is back online! Now what do we get for the downtime?

DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
Me and my other alliance members (TekkerTown) have managed to get back online. We haven't received any gifts yet for all this downtime. What do you think we will get?


  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @spumington I would not be surprised if Kabam sends a message like that haha
  • jason_gurung7jason_gurung7 Member Posts: 11
    definitely there will be 3rd round
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @jason_gurung7 For those who were grinding arena, they need to extend or as you've said another round. I would be happy with 100k scrap personally :smiley:
  • GreatScottGreatScott Member Posts: 107
    finally! no compensation initially obviously. the game team will have to decide on something.
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @GreatScott this was quite a major balls up. If it's not something worth while, they forum will get flooded again haha
  • elijahjeffreyelijahjeffrey Member Posts: 20
    Play over again..Lol
  • BeholdKTBeholdKT Member Posts: 14
    Making the cutoff to get the champ in arena the top 15 or 20% seems like a fair thing at least.
  • StvoidStvoid Member Posts: 3
    People are posting in-game that they're receiving 5* shards as comp......troll or??
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
  • MattheeMatthee Member Posts: 2
    My ign: Matthee, we certainly better get something they did it just as the best champ nearly was in arena
  • Nakos1121Nakos1121 Member Posts: 5
    We ain't getting anything us I see it sucks!!!!
  • StvoidStvoid Member Posts: 3
    People are posting in-game that they're receiving 5* shards as comp.....troll or??
  • JSnookJSnook Member Posts: 219
    If anything, another round for Voodoo and SL would be my guess.
  • StvoidStvoid Member Posts: 3
    Nope nadda
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @stvoid no doubt it's just those damn trolls again. Still haven't got anything on either account i use
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @BeholdKT love that idea. Especially seeing as the majority of people grinding won't reach top 10% and beyond now
  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 383 ★★★
    Yo wtf man , this is outrageous I busted my ass in the star Lord arena !!!!
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @the_eradicator yeah it sucks. Star Lord is lost to the iOS users now
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @OneManArmy I won't be happy unless I see at least one awakening crystal and 250k gold in my mailbox :wink:
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @OneManArmy If we could trade champs, I would give you my star lord as I don't currently use him as he isn't duped :smile: Maybe Kabam will be kind for once and give him to all android users
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @OneManArmy that's why awakening item would be great. Saves the hassle of grinding arena or praying everytime you go to open a crystal :wink:
  • Antony687Antony687 Member Posts: 87
    They should give a awkening gem 4 this mess, r we fools like kabam to grind again for kabams mistake, kabam respect ur users and no 5 star shards or any **** gift, only awakening gem or a 4 star crytsal
  • Sir_PootingtonSir_Pootington Member Posts: 45

    Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
  • Sir_PootingtonSir_Pootington Member Posts: 45
    FunnyDonny wrote: »
    I got a 4* VooDoo. You guys didn't? Check your champions log.

    Sir Poot is not amused.
  • DongowarriorDongowarrior Member Posts: 94
    @OneManArmy definitely a generic 4* awakening. Will they be that generous? Bet we just get health potions and revives knowing Kabam's track record
  • Berserk_NationBerserk_Nation Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2017
    Need compensation - my alliance was on pace for the 4 shards in 'Perfect' until this happened.
  • jerstolpjerstolp Member Posts: 73
    generic 4s awake gem n 20 generic 4s sig stones
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