
I have been the game for a decent amount of time now and have been putting a lot of my time and phone battery into the game. I play with a few family members and we got into a discussion on the game as a whole and how it could be made better and even broaden the entire spectrum of it. We all think that if you were able to trade your champions, units, iOS-8, etc. then that may add so much more excitement to the game. I'm wondering what the rest of the Marvel community thinks of this?
It would unbalance the game, destroy the concept of "collecting" and "luck" , and create a market to buy and sell champs.
Overall it would be a horrible idea
how unfair would that be?
or i can CREATE another new acocunt. go to beginners bracket arena and farm the new featured hero and trade it into my main.
yea game would be so much fun for me.
and all the people who are planning to quit can profit by selling and or give away champs to people. oh snap u got a 5* starlord dupe and u willing to trade it for any 5* but with paypal on the side? lol yea i can see alot of people doing that.
kabam would NEVER let this happen. i always see this topic pop up like every month.
yea instead of wasting an odins worth of units i can just spamm the chat and look for trades. would i rather spend 100$ worth of units in crystals "trying" to pull champion or give my money to a random who already has the champion and is willing to sell the champion for cash or units?