Do you think the game become too complicated for new comer?

I was trying to introduce MCOC to my nephew, who is also a fans of Marvel comics. Basically I just said he can treat it as PvP game at the very beginning. When he look at my demo fights, he start to wonder those parry/dex stuffs (and then masteries setup), class advantages, champ's abilities (dupe, passive, DoT.....), immunities, energy/physical damage, Story Quest/EQ/AQ/AW/SpQuest/Side Quest/Arena/Incursion AND those NODES.......then he just play around for few hours and delete the game.
Yeah I get used to a lot of things after playing for over 5 years, I understand the mechanic of some hard contents even though I can't get through it easily. However, do you think the game become too complicated for new comer?
Yeah I get used to a lot of things after playing for over 5 years, I understand the mechanic of some hard contents even though I can't get through it easily. However, do you think the game become too complicated for new comer?
Do you think the game become too complicated for new comer? 86 votes
Seriously I’m not trying to challenge anything about Kabam. It’s a game and you just play it or leave it, but the experience I have when introducing the game to nephew make me rethink whether I’m overly get used to the game, and thus having blind spot.
Yes I agreed that Act 1/2/3/4 are here for beginners. As compared with the year that I played as a beginner, the game content is substantially expanded now and I’m not sure if story quest is still the “mainstream” now. The merit I see as a beginner now is that they can easily build 5*/6* team for tougher content, like Act 5 and above. ROL is no longer a tough call like what I faced before. Many players start to think about r5 5* at the level of 40s, whereas I can only use 4* in completing Act 5.
Anyway, just sharing of my thoughts only.
But for teens and adults, not really, from what I remember stuff like linked boosts and nodes are introduced gradually, with dialogue in the first quest they appear in briefly explaining them.