What was the hardest act for you?
Member Posts: 29
Hey what was the wardest act for you?
Probably have to wait to have a full r5 team or some good 5 stars.
I did it mostly with 3/30 a few 4/40 and no SW, DS, Thor, BW all before 12.0
Juggs and venom were actually hard to beat then.
I used a 3* Ronan in that venom fight, took ages to chip his health down while he was stunned
LOL is not an act and not many, in comparison to story mode, have done LOL
You NEED a 5 star sig 200 Star Lord to beat that act, I mean it’s just IMPOSSIBLE
Inevitability Ronan and Mesmerize Elektra gave me the most pain after Juggs
In that order.
Not even sure if the rewards are worth it any more